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SQL Noir - A Detective SQL Game
SQL Noir - A Detective SQL Game
Solve crimes and mysteries using SQL queries in this detective-themed SQL learning game.
SQL Noir - A Detective SQL Game
Have the tables turned on NoSQL?
Have the tables turned on NoSQL?
NoSQL was the next big thing in system architecture in 2011, but overall interest in it has plateaued recently. What is NoSQL, what does it have to do with modern development, and is it worth implementing in your project?
Have the tables turned on NoSQL?
Database Structure and Design Tutorial
Database Structure and Design Tutorial
Everything you need to know about designing an efficient database, including an overview of the processes and principles to follow.
Database Structure and Design Tutorial
Old, Good Database Design
Old, Good Database Design
Applications, even databases come and go, but data is the most important part of the story. Usually, data is the purpose of the system exists in the first place. That’s why we should consider…
Old, Good Database Design
Database of Databases
Database of Databases
The on-line encyclopedia of databases systems from Carnegie Mellon University.
Database of Databases
Reasons why SELECT * is bad for SQL performance - Tanel Poder Consulting
Reasons why SELECT * is bad for SQL performance - Tanel Poder Consulting
Here’s a list of reasons why SELECT * is bad for SQL performance, assuming that your application doesn’t actually need all the columns. When I write production code, I explicitly specify the columns of interest in the select-list (projection), not only for performance reasons, but also for application reliability reasons. For example, will your application’s data processing code suddenly break when a new column has been added or the column order has changed in a table? - Linux, Oracle, SQL performance tuning and troubleshooting - consulting & training.
Reasons why SELECT * is bad for SQL performance - Tanel Poder Consulting
SQL Query Optimization: Understanding Key Principle
SQL Query Optimization: Understanding Key Principle
This guide is intended to help you gain a true understanding of SQL query speeds. It includes research that demonstrates the speed of slow and fast query typ...
SQL Query Optimization: Understanding Key Principle
Data Is Plural — Structured Archive - Google Sheets
Data Is Plural — Structured Archive - Google Sheets
Items edition,position,headline,text,links,hattips 2015.10.21,1,Every place name in the United States.,Sometimes, bureaucracy creates poetry. Since 1890, the U.S. Board on Geographic Names has been cataloguing, standardizing, and promulgating official names for the places we hike, swim, work, an...
Data Is Plural — Structured Archive - Google Sheets
MySQL Performance Tuning: Tips, Scripts and Tools
MySQL Performance Tuning: Tips, Scripts and Tools
With MySQL, common configuration mistakes can cause serious performance problems. In fact, if you misconfigure just one of the many config parameters, it
MySQL Performance Tuning: Tips, Scripts and Tools
Maitrisez le théorème de CAP - Maîtrisez les bases de données NoSQL - OpenClassrooms
Maitrisez le théorème de CAP - Maîtrisez les bases de données NoSQL - OpenClassrooms
Longtemps, les bases de données relationnelles ont régné en maîtres sur le stockage de données structurées... Cette époque est désormais révolue, et une foule de solutions s'attaquent aux différents problèmes liés à l'explosion des données massives. Vive le NoSQL !
Maitrisez le théorème de CAP - Maîtrisez les bases de données NoSQL - OpenClassrooms
DrawSQL - 🔥 Database schema diagrams
DrawSQL - 🔥 Database schema diagrams
Simple, beautiful database diagram editor for developers to create, collaborate and visualize their entity relationship diagrams.
DrawSQL - 🔥 Database schema diagrams
Learn SQL while solving crimes! SQL Police Department
Learn SQL while solving crimes! SQL Police Department
SQL Police Department is an online game where you solve crimes using SQL (and learn SQL in the process). Learn SQL while playing a game!
Learn SQL while solving crimes! SQL Police Department
How To Install and Use PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 18.04
How To Install and Use PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 18.04
This tutorial provides instructions on how to install the PostgreSQL database software on an Ubuntu 18.04 server. It also includes instructions for basic database management.
How To Install and Use PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 18.04