simpleWeb, le plus petit gestionnaire de contenu (CMS) du monde
L’actualité du logiciel libre et des sujets voisins (DIY, Open Hardware, Open Data, les Communs, etc.), sur un site francophone contributif géré par une équipe bénévole par et pour des libristes enthousiastes
How to Speed up Your WordPress Site (Ultimate 2020 Guide)
Today we're sharing everything we know about how to speed up WordPress, over 15 years worth of experience and hard lessons learned, all in one easy guide.
WordPress Security Guide: 14 Pro Tips To Secure A WordPress Website
The Guide to WordPress Security. Learn how to smartly implement WP security strategies and how to harden the security of your WordPress blog and website.
Les extensions WordPress que j'installe sur tous mes sites
Il existe plein d’autres façons que WordPress pour construire un site web en 2020, que ce soit du code maison, un CMS statique comme Hugo ou Grav ou un outil de création de sites comme Webflow ou Squarespace. Mais néanmoins, WordPress reste très pratique pour construire des sites pour des clients rapidement et facilement, surtout quand ces clients n’ont pas des gros budgets. Il est en effet très facile d’ajouter des fonctionnalités diverses grâces aux milliers de plugins et à la communau...
How to speed up WordPress for a faster, greener and eco-friendly site
This is a complete guide on how to speed up WordPress. Learn how to get a faster site and make the web more envrionmentally friendly in this in-depth post.
With the internet producing 2% of global carbon emissions and growing fast, it’s imperative that all web projects embrace efficiency in order to create a sustainable web for the future. Having d…
Crunch Your Pixels for the Planet - Wholegrain's Search For the Best Image Optimiser Plugin
Optimising your images is vital in any website. Any unnecessary kilobytes are slowing the site down for your users as well as contributing to global warming by using more energy in data transfer. Luckily, there are a good number of image compression plugins out there for WordPress users to choose from so I set out to …
Learning PHP for WordPress Development: A Comprehensive Guide
So you have a WordPress website and you’ve tweaked your theme, read a bit about template tags, and perhaps even modified your functions.php file in the built-in theme editor. And now you want to take your skills to the next level and delve into more code. Luckily, WordPress is a great place to start. There is a truckload of documentation available and the code is – for the most part – easily readable, self explanatory and not too difficult to remember.
How Smush Is Saving The Planet One Image At A Time
Is the Internet’s skyrocketing carbon footprint (yep, it exists) a cause for concern? Can a simple image optimization plugin really help reduce carbon emissions? All is unveiled below. Truth be told, I was terrified to write and publish this post. In fact, most of the blog team wanted nothing to do with it. Why? Because part of the article touches on the topic of… (I’m scared to even write the words!). Climate Change. But don’t let those two controversial words deter you from reading any further. This is NOT an attempt to push agendas or get overly political up in here.
Comment créer un thème WordPress enfant afin d’éviter le pire
Aujourd'hui j'accueille Harold Paris, le fondateur du site Positivr pour vous parler des thèmes WordPress enfants. Harold gère une agence web sur Orléans et travaille avec WordPress depuis quelques années. Sa passion pour l'entrepreneuriat l'a
Plugins WordPress : les 20 extensions indispensables
Quelles extensions installer pour votre site WordPress ? Retrouvez une sélection de 20 plugins destinés à améliorer, optimiser ou encore protéger vos pages web.
Sur WordPress, il peut vous arriver de tomber sur quelques erreurs récurrentes. D'une erreur serveur, en passant par la page blanche ou encore une erreur mémoire, vous trouverez ici des conseils pour pallier à ces petits soucis!
I’ll admit it: I’m addicted to speed. No, not the psychostimulant; I’m talking about website speed. I’m not alone, either. Google recently announced that they consider website speed when determining search engine rankings. Oh, did I mention that a slow website can literally kill your revenue stream? Check out what th
Over the past six months, I’ve become increasingly interested in the topic of web sustainability. The carbon footprint of the Internet was not something I used to give much thought to, which is surprising considering my interest in environmental issues and the fact that my profession is web-based. The web in a warming world As …
In this article, Adelina Țucă explains how you can easily optimize all the images on your website (manually or on autopilot) in order to gain better loading times.