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Créer des plugins
Découvrez comment bien débuter avec WordPress en mettant en place un moteur de blog simple et puissant. Profitez de ses capacités pour mettre en place votre site Internet, puis apprenez à développer de nouvelles fonctionnalités pour enrichir votre site.
Créer des plugins
The ultimate guide to CMS, part 1 | Webdesigner Depot
The ultimate guide to CMS, part 1 | Webdesigner Depot
Gather 'round friends, and I'll tell you a story that is pure fabrication on my part, and also probably how it happened: Once upon a time, around 1995 (as far as I can figure out from searching around the web), some poor guy who worked as the "webmaster" for some large company was putting nearly every written piece of marketing content they had online. He was doing this because someone in management figured it couldn't hurt, and he didn't have that much else to do. As he wrote endless lines of HTML code by hand, he thought, "There has got to be an easier way to do this." He began to imagine...
The ultimate guide to CMS, part 1 | Webdesigner Depot
Comment sécuriser son site / blog WordPress ?
Comment sécuriser son site / blog WordPress ?
Un article invité, rédigé par Aurélie Vaché, qui vous donnera quelques conseils et astuces pour sécuriser votre blog, votre site WordPress.
Comment sécuriser son site / blog WordPress ?