Code : bonnes pratiques

The exponential cost of fixing bugs - DeepSource
The exponential cost of fixing bugs - DeepSource
The cost of finding and fixing defects in incredibly higher in production as compared to early stages of development — often by an order of magnitude or two.
The exponential cost of fixing bugs - DeepSource - Modern Web App Design Patterns - Modern Web App Design Patterns
Improve how you architect webapps is free book on design patterns and component patterns for building powerful web apps with...
·· - Modern Web App Design Patterns
Liste des fichiers à avoir sur son site -
Liste des fichiers à avoir sur son site -
En plus des traditionnels « favicon.png » ou « robots.txt », qu’on doit mettre à la racine de son site, il y a une ribambelle d’autres fichiers qu’il est possible (parfois recommandés, même) d’avoir sur son site. En voici une petite liste. Commen…
Liste des fichiers à avoir sur son site -
Le PIRE ennemi des développeurs (et comment le combattre).
Le PIRE ennemi des développeurs (et comment le combattre).
Tout le monde le connaît, et pourtant, il continue de provoquer des centaines de milliards d’euros de dégâts chaque année. Comment l’empêcher de nuire ?
Le PIRE ennemi des développeurs (et comment le combattre).
testjavascript/nodejs-integration-tests-best-practices: ✅ Master the art of the most powerful testing technique for Node.js: Component tests. Including super-comprehensive best practices list and an example app (August 2021)
testjavascript/nodejs-integration-tests-best-practices: ✅ Master the art of the most powerful testing technique for Node.js: Component tests. Including super-comprehensive best practices list and an example app (August 2021)
✅ Master the art of the most powerful testing technique for Node.js: Component tests. Including super-comprehensive best practices list and an example app (August 2021) - testjavascript/nodejs-int...
testjavascript/nodejs-integration-tests-best-practices: ✅ Master the art of the most powerful testing technique for Node.js: Component tests. Including super-comprehensive best practices list and an example app (August 2021)
Déboguez l’interface de votre site internet
Déboguez l’interface de votre site internet
En tant que développeur web, vous êtes amené à rencontrer des bugs lors de la conception de sites internet. Mais comment déboguer un programme ? Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez à utiliser les bons outils et à adopter une méthodologie de débogage efficace.
Déboguez l’interface de votre site internet
Software Heritage
Software Heritage
Software [is our] Heritage Software is fragile unlike words carved in stone it can be deleted or get corrupted Software is the key to access information and a fundamental part of human heritage Software Heritage preserves software source code for present and future generations We are building the universal software archive We collect and preserve software in source code […]
Software Heritage
Is Design Dead?
Is Design Dead?
The rise of agile methods (particularly XP) makes some people wonder if there's any role left for software design. I argue that this change shifts from planned to evolutionary design.
Is Design Dead?
Web Standards: The What, The Why, And The How — Smashing Magazine
Web Standards: The What, The Why, And The How — Smashing Magazine
Web Standards, and the documentation to support them, provide huge insight into ‘the why’ and ‘the what’ of the world wide web. In this article, we take a look at the history of Web Standards, how to use them in your work and ways you can get involved in making them.
Web Standards: The What, The Why, And The How — Smashing Magazine
Command Line Interface Guidelines
Command Line Interface Guidelines
An open-source guide to help you write better command-line programs, taking traditional UNIX principles and updating them for the modern day.
Command Line Interface Guidelines
A presentation created with Slides.
JoliCode - What you need to know about environment variables with PHP
JoliCode - What you need to know about environment variables with PHP
Environment variables for configuration are today's best practice for application setup - database credentials, API Keys, secrets and everything varying between deploys are now exposed to the code via the environment, instead of configuration files or worse, directly hard-coded.
JoliCode - What you need to know about environment variables with PHP
Web Design Process: Behind The Scenes [INFOGRAPHIC] | New Design Group Inc
Web Design Process: Behind The Scenes [INFOGRAPHIC] | New Design Group Inc
(click image to enlarge) Share the INFOGRAPHIC On Your Site, Copy The Code Below: Periodic Table of Web Design Process – created by New Design Group Looking for a PDF version? Download it here. The Web Design Process When a […]
Web Design Process: Behind The Scenes [INFOGRAPHIC] | New Design Group Inc
Stryker Mutator
Stryker Mutator
Stryker: Stryker Mutator
Stryker Mutator
Minimum Viable Product – How to Build an MVP for Your Project and Why You Should
Minimum Viable Product – How to Build an MVP for Your Project and Why You Should
Proof of concept, prototypes, wireframes, mockups… To spot the difference between all those and an MVP can be quite a challenge. Yet, the concept of MVP is easy to understand – as easy as to ride a bicycle. Should we compare MVP and a bicycle then?
Minimum Viable Product – How to Build an MVP for Your Project and Why You Should
Introduction to Design Patterns
Introduction to Design Patterns
Introduction to Design Patterns A Strategic Approach Kevin Greer Video recordings: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 April 10, 2017
Introduction to Design Patterns
🐿 Scurry around your site and find all those broken links. - JustinBeckwith/linkinator
A Guide to Node.js Logging
A Guide to Node.js Logging
Learn how you can take your Node.js logging in your library, application or CLI from "console.log" to the next level using libraries like "pino" or "debug".
A Guide to Node.js Logging
Design Patterns & Refactoring
Design Patterns & Refactoring
Design Patterns and Refactoring articles and guides. Design Patterns video tutorials for newbies. Simple descriptions and full source code examples in Java, C++, C#, PHP and Delphi.
Design Patterns & Refactoring