Coder Survival Guide

Coder Survival Guide

#Eco-conception #Serveurs
Spatio-temporal load shifting for truly clean computing
Spatio-temporal load shifting for truly clean computing
Companies with datacenters are procuring significant amounts of renewable energy to reduce their carbon footprint. There is increasing interest in achieving 24/7 Carbon-Free Energy (CFE) matching in electricity usage, aiming to eliminate all carbon footprints associated with electricity consumption on an hourly basis. However, the variability of renewable energy resources poses significant challenges for achieving this goal. We explore the impact of shifting computing jobs and associated power loads both in time and between datacenter locations. We develop an optimization model to simulate a network of geographically distributed datacenters managed by a company leveraging spatio-temporal load flexibility to achieve 24/7 CFE matching. We isolate three signals relevant for informed use of load flexiblity: varying average quality of renewable energy resources, low correlation between wind power generation over long distances due to different weather conditions, and lags in solar radiation peak due to Earth’s rotation. We illustrate that the location of datacenters and the time of year affect which signal drives an effective load-shaping strategy. The energy procurement and load-shifting decisions based on informed use of these signals facilitate the resource-efficiency and cost-effectiveness of clean computing—the costs of 24/7 CFE are reduced by 1.29±0.07 EUR/MWh for every additional percentage of flexible load. We provide practical guidelines on how companies with datacenters can leverage spatio-temporal load flexibility for truly clean computing. Our results and the open-source optimization model can also be useful for a broader variety of companies with flexible loads and an interest in eliminating their carbon footprint. The simulations were carried out with PyPSA — an open-source software framework for simulating and optimising modern energy system: All code, input data and results are published under an open license. The code to reproduce the experiments is available at GitHub:
Spatio-temporal load shifting for truly clean computing
Code de conduite européen sur les centres de données : un véritable engagement ? - OCTO Talks !
Code de conduite européen sur les centres de données : un véritable engagement ? - OCTO Talks !
Les bonnes pratiques d'hébergement sont désormais encadrées par un texte : le Régime Général d'Eco-conception des Services. Approndissons ensemble le sujet, en commençant par le premier critère évoqué : l'adhésion au Code de Conduite Européen sur les Centres de Données.
Code de conduite européen sur les centres de données : un véritable engagement ? - OCTO Talks !
CoC DC Partners
CoC DC Partners
More information available at the EU Code of Conduct on Data Centres webpage. CompanyN. Data CentresData CentresYear RegisteredAddressA1 Telekom Austria AG1Wien 1Wien 22012Lassallestrasse 9A1020 -
CoC DC Partners
Reporting requirements on the energy performance and sustainability of data centres for the Energy Efficiency Directive. Task A report, Options for a reporting scheme for data centres - Publications Office of the EU
Reporting requirements on the energy performance and sustainability of data centres for the Energy Efficiency Directive. Task A report, Options for a reporting scheme for data centres - Publications Office of the EU
Details of the publication
Reporting requirements on the energy performance and sustainability of data centres for the Energy Efficiency Directive. Task A report, Options for a reporting scheme for data centres - Publications Office of the EU
Data centers : leur consommation d'eau va exploser
Data centers : leur consommation d'eau va exploser
De plus en plus nombreux, les centres de données, piliers du numérique, sont gourmands en électricité et en foncier, mais aussi en eau. Une consommation amenée à exploser avec le développement de l’intelligence artificielle. Philippe de Fruyt et Jean-Luc Touly ne décolèrent pas. En cette glaciale matinée de janvier, emmitouflés dans leur parka, ils égrènent les chiffres du projet d’extension du data center d’Amazon, installé dans leur commune de Wissous, 7 000 habitants, dans l’Essonne. « À terme, on va (...)
Data centers : leur consommation d'eau va exploser
Global PUEs — are they going anywhere? - Uptime Institute Blog
Global PUEs — are they going anywhere? - Uptime Institute Blog
Regular readers of Uptime Institute’s annual data center survey, the longest running of its kind, already know that the industry average power usage effectiveness (PUE, a ratio of total site power and IT power) has trended sideways in recent years. Since 2020, it has been stuck in the 1.55 to 1.59 band. Even going back […]
Global PUEs — are they going anywhere? - Uptime Institute Blog