Numérique - Analyse sectorielle - Rapport_complet_numérique.pdf

Coder Survival Guide
What Is The Carbon Footprint Of A Laptop?
More than 272 million new laptops are manufactured every year, making the IT industry responsible for as much greenhouse gas pollution as the entire airline industry. This equates to the IT industry contributing 2% of global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Internet usage continues to rise, with more people using mobiles and tablets in their everyday … What Is The Carbon Footprint Of A Laptop? Read More »
WeTransfer Advertising - Make better ads whitepaper - 2023 - WeTransfer_Advertising_-_Make_better_ads_whitepaper_-_2023.pdf
State of Readiness - Sustainability in Digital Advertising Report - IAB Europe
Sustainability is now a key focus for the digital advertising industry. Last year, it was estimated that a typical ad campaign emitted around 5.4 tons of CO2, with a programmatic ad impression producing around one gram of Co2 emissions. When the number of ad impressions transacted on a regular basis…
Reporting requirements on the energy performance and sustainability of data centres for the Energy Efficiency Directive. Task A report, Options for a reporting scheme for data centres - Publications Office of the EU
Details of the publication
LCA_3_FINAL March 2022.pdf
Executive summary – Electricity 2024 – Analysis - IEA
IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force
IETF-118 : eimpact
Building a Sustainable ICT Ecosystem
Strategies and Best Practices for Reducing Environmental Harms in a Digital World
A holistic approach to environmentally sustainable computing
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering - Placing sustainability at the core of computing practices, the industry is poised to pioneer positive changes and create a cleaner and more...
Du bon usage de la mesure - écoconception des services numériques - Journée de l'éco-conception
Du bon usage de la mesure dans éco-conception des services numériques 01 Février 2024
World Bank Document - P17859702a98880540a4b70d57876048abb.pdf
Energie, climat : Quels mondes virtuels pour quel monde réel ? - The-Shift-Project-Quels-mondes-virtuels-pour-quel-monde-reel-Rapport-intermediaire-2023-002.pdf
Global PUEs — are they going anywhere? - Uptime Institute Blog
Regular readers of Uptime Institute’s annual data center survey, the longest running of its kind, already know that the industry average power usage effectiveness (PUE, a ratio of total site power and IT power) has trended sideways in recent years. Since 2020, it has been stuck in the 1.55 to 1.59 band. Even going back […]
Défi numérique – Chemins de Transition