
Coder Survival Guide
Pourquoi l’évaluation des impacts environnementaux exige des outils, des méthodes et des données libres ?
Nous pensons que l'évaluation des impacts environnementaux du numérique n'a de sens qu'avec des outils, méthodes et données libres. Voyons pourquoi.
Thomas Allmer - Faster content websites via SSR and progressive hydration of Web Components
One of the best performance tips is "do less" - transmit less data and do less processing. There are a million details but we will focus on transmitting less...
8 Causes of Slow Website Loading (And How To Fix Them) - Calibre
Everyone can improve performance. Choose from a range of basic to advanced solutions to the most common speed issues.
Analyzing Top 100 Retailers for Digital Accessibility | Deque
Are the top 100 retailers ready to support people with disabilities throughout this holiday buying season? Let’s take a look at how they fared. General
What’s so great about functional programming anyway?
To hear some people talk about functional programming, you’d think they’d joined some kind of cult. They prattle on about how it’s changed the way they think about code. They'll extol the benefits of purity, at length. And proclaim that they are now able to “reason about their code”—as if all other code is irrational and incomprehensible. It’s enough to make anyone skeptical. Still, one has to wonder. There must be a reason these zealots get so worked up. What are they so excited about?
Guerre technologique : 10 points sur les semi-conducteurs | Le Grand Continent
Les semi-conducteurs sont au cœur de nos vies quotidiennes, mais que savons-nous vraiment d'eux ? Alors que les dernières sanctions américaines vis-à-vis de la Chine ravivent l’importance de ce terrain de compétition stratégique, nous proposons une étude inédite en 10 points, 12 graphiques et 2 cartes pour entrer dans la matrice de la rivalité technologique entre la Chine et les États-Unis qui structure le monde.
Livre Blanc OVHcloud sur le numérique responsable et durable
Streaming vs CD ou DVD, liseuse vs livre papier : quels sont les impacts environnementaux de la digitalisation des services culturels ?
En s’affranchissant du support physique, la consommation de biens culturels numériques a-t-elle pour autant un impact environnemental moindre ?
Designing Navigation for Mobile: Design Patterns and Best Practices — Smashing Magazine
When designing navigation on mobile, we don’t have to rely on slide-in-menus or nested accordions. We can also use the curtain design pattern, and show multiple levels of navigation at once.
What to Know About Accessible PDFs From Microsoft Word and Google Docs - Lireo Designs
My notes from Julie Romanowki's Intro to Docs and PDFs Knowbility online session highlighting PDFs created from Microsoft Word and Google Docs.
Tordons le cou aux discussions sur l’impact des e-mails – EcoInfo
4 Required Tests Before Shipping New Features | Stephanie Eckles
Learn about four types of tests important for shipping more accessible features and assisting your users in successfully completing tasks.
What is Synthetic Monitoring and How to Get More From It - Calibre
Learn about the unique advantages of synthetic monitoring and how you can use them to improve your site performance.
UCI study finds 53 percent jump in e-waste greenhouse gas emissions between 2014, 2020
Researchers urge extension of electronic devices’ useful life to cut carbon dioxide creation
Ditch Carbon
Home | Humane by Design
Guidance for designing ethically humane digital products and services through patterns focused on user well-being.
Sustainability workload documentation - Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework
Apply the design methodology and approach to building highly reliable applications on Microsoft Azure.
Les réductions d'émissions de CO2 promises par les Cloud providers sont elles réalistes? | Boavizta
Les Cloud Providers multiplient les communications pour un cloud toujours plus responsable, au moment même où l’Irlande et les Pays-Bas instaurent un moratoire sur l’installation de nouveaux datacenters hyperscale.
Corporate Digital Responsibility in Europe | Interreg Europe - Sharing solutions for better policy
SMEs in all sectors find themselves obliged to digitalise production and organisation. Digitalisation can bring a wealth of benefits, but also opens them up to many risks. These range from data privacy and cyber security, to ethics of data and technology. They range from digital inclusion, job substitution / insecurity, to energy use with big data. Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) is a set of practices and behaviour that help an organisation to use data and digital technologies in a way that is socially, economically, technologically, and environmentally responsible. In theory, it sounds obvious. In practice, it is not so easy to achieve, particularly for SMEs. Public support is, thus, required to ensure that the digital revolution is accompanied by an awareness of its socio-economic and environmental threats and by practical tools and support systems that can ensure even the smallest SMEs can de digitally responsible. CDR EUROPE takes up this challenge. We group partners from 7 EU regions, representing different levels of digitalisation, economic fabrics and CDR maturity levels, but all committed to ensuring that SMES reap the benefits of responsible digitalisation. Partners merge varied expertise on relevant topics, which range from public measures to support SME digitalisation processes, cyber security, environmental impacts of digitalisation, to digital social inclusion, to name but a few. Using the International CDR Manifesto as a starting point, we implement an interregional exchange approach that takes us through stages of Consolidating Concepts, Understanding Challenges and Seeking Answers, towards Being the Change: achieving policy improvements and monitoring impact. 4 regions design and test a Pilot Action supporting CDR uptake in SMEs and we use results to feed into change in all partner territories. CDR EUROPE supports better regional development policies for CDR uptake in SMEs, with extensive socio-economic impact on our territories.
How We Analyzed Google’s Search Results – The Markup
Novel categorizations and “staining” techniques uncovered how much space on the search results page Google dedicates to itself
How People Use Google Search (New User Behavior Study)
User behavior study that looks at how people interact with Google's many SERP features.
Create Your Own @font-face Kits » Font Squirrel
Create Your Own @font-face Kits by uploading the fonts you want to use.
Numérique et environnement | Arcep
Les chiffres clés de l'impact des réseaux, des terminaux et des usages sur l’environnement, les travaux de l'Arcep et les réflexions des régulateurs européens des télécoms.
Adoption of the law to reduce the environmental footprint of digital technology - Labo
Manuel de la Communication non violente dans votre vie personnelle et professionnelle
De petites remarques désobligeantes peuvent rapidement dégrader vos relations. La méthode de Communication Non Violente peut transformer votre vie au travail et à la maison.
Guess the color by name
You are given a color name and have to guess how it looks like. The closer your guess is the more points you collect.
A11y Cat: digital accessibility resources
Le Référentiel général de sécurité (RGS)
L’ANSSI est l'autorité nationale en matière de sécurité et de défense des systèmes d’information. Prévention, protection, réaction, formation et labellisation de solutions et de services pour la sécurité numérique de la Nation.
Simultrain® 12 | project management business game