Alors que vous lisez ces lignes, des millions de requêtes HTTP sont échangées sur le web. Des millions de clients s’affairent à décompresser leurs contenus, tandis que des millions de serveurs, de …
In 2022, the IETF formed a working group for Media Over QUIC (MoQ)—a media delivery solution that has the potential to transform how we send and receive media during live streaming, real-time collaboration, gaming, and more.
Caching is something most developers take for granted, but experience tells me time and time again that most developers also don’t understand how to configure their caching rules safely, correctly, or effectively. Do you know what no-cache means? Do you know what the Pragma header does? Do you know the difference between Last-Modified or ETag? Expires or Cache-Control? You will soon.
In this talk, we’ll remove the noise, get rid of everything we don’t need, and then step through a series of real-life scenarios to work out how to solve almost any caching situation with a series of questions.
Le monde des cryptos & des NFTs peut être à la fois dense et superficiel, transparent et opaque, technique et mystique. Afin de guider les touristes qui souhaitent partir à l'aventure, Etienne Mineur, designer et co‑fondateur de Volumique et Arnaud Levy, développeur et co‑fondateur de noesya proposent un voyage critique parmi ses lieux communs, ses îlots stéréotypés et ses montagnes technologiques.
Ever since I realized BASIC wasn’t the only living programming language, I thought about writing my own. Who wouldn’t? If you’re a developer, surely this idea popped into your mind at some point. N…
What’s so great about functional programming anyway?
To hear some people talk about functional programming, you’d think they’d joined some kind of cult. They prattle on about how it’s changed the way they think about code. They'll extol the benefits of purity, at length. And proclaim that they are now able to “reason about their code”—as if all other code is irrational and incomprehensible. It’s enough to make anyone skeptical. Still, one has to wonder. There must be a reason these zealots get so worked up. What are they so excited about?
hackclub/putting-the-you-in-cpu: A technical explainer by @kognise of how your computer runs programs, from start to finish.
A technical explainer by @kognise of how your computer runs programs, from start to finish. - hackclub/putting-the-you-in-cpu: A technical explainer by @kognise of how your computer runs programs, ...
La compilation : du code au binaire… et retour ! | Connect - Editions Diamond
On trouve des compilateurs partout : quand on construit des programmes, bien sûr, mais aussi quand on visite la page web des Éditions Diamond — elle embarque du JavaScript, qui est probablement compilé à la volée par un composant de votre navigateur. Quand on utilise un Notebook Jupyter pour du calcul scientifique — ne serait-ce que pour la compilation en bytecode du source Python. Quand on installe un APK pour ART, celui-ci est transformé en code natif depuis son bytecode Dalvik… encore de la compilation. Et nous allons voir que le domaine de la compilation peut aussi très largement intéresser celui de la sécurité informatique et du reverse engineering.