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Progressive Web Apps vs Accelerated Mobile Pages: What's the Difference and Which is Best for You?
Progressive Web Apps vs Accelerated Mobile Pages: What's the Difference and Which is Best for You?
Do you understand what PWAs and AMPs are, and which might be better for you? Let's have a look and find out. So many people own smartphones these days. This opens up endless opportunities for a business - opportunities which, however, are immediately challenged by the immense number of competitors in the mobile software market. Mobile apps are surely more convenient than web or desktop platforms. Yet, they are not the most comfortable option that the industry offers. To hit the highest level
Progressive Web Apps vs Accelerated Mobile Pages: What's the Difference and Which is Best for You?
Créer une application Android avec Cordova et VueJS
Créer une application Android avec Cordova et VueJS
Nous avons vu qu'il est possible de développer des applications de bureau avec les technologies du web (Javascript/HTML/CSS). De même, je vous propose de créer une application Android, de l'installation des briques logicielles, jusqu'à la publication sur le Play Store. Nous utiliserons …
Créer une application Android avec Cordova et VueJS
PWA Stats
PWA Stats
A collection of Progressive Web App case studies.
PWA Stats
Designing And Building A Progressive Web Application Without A Framework (Part 1)
Designing And Building A Progressive Web Application Without A Framework (Part 1)
You don’t need to be a Computer Science graduate or know a JavaScript framework to create a Progressive Web Application. With some HTML and CSS knowledge and basic competency with JavaScript, you have all the skills you need.
Designing And Building A Progressive Web Application Without A Framework (Part 1)
Progressive Web Apps core guides on MDN Web Docs
Progressive Web Apps core guides on MDN Web Docs
Introducing the newly released Core PWA Guides on the MDN Web Docs site. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are a new way of building websites, but are they really all that ...
Progressive Web Apps core guides on MDN Web Docs
A beginner’s guide to making Progressive Web Apps
A beginner’s guide to making Progressive Web Apps
You may have heard about Progressive Web Apps or PWAs for short, I’m not going to go into all the details of what exactly makes up a PWA…
A beginner’s guide to making Progressive Web Apps
Hacker News Progressive Web Apps – HNPWA
Hacker News Progressive Web Apps – HNPWA
At Google I/O this year, we introduced HNPWA (Hacker News Readers as PWAs) — a project aiming to demonstrate Progressive Web Apps can be…
Hacker News Progressive Web Apps – HNPWA
Progressive web apps - App Center | MDN
Progressive web apps - App Center | MDN
Progressive web apps use modern web APIs along with traditional progressive enhancement strategy to create cross-platform web applications. These apps work everywhere and provide several features that give them the same user experience advantages as native apps. This set of docs tells you all you need to know about them.
Progressive web apps - App Center | MDN
15 Must-Have Resources for Ionic App Developers
15 Must-Have Resources for Ionic App Developers
Whether you’re a pro or an amateur, digging through the web to find the right resources for building an Ionic app can be time-consuming…
15 Must-Have Resources for Ionic App Developers
An Extensive Guide To Progressive Web Applications
An Extensive Guide To Progressive Web Applications
In this article, we’ll look at the pain points of users who are browsing old non-PWA websites and the promise of PWAs to make the web great. You’ll learn most of the important technologies that make for cool PWAs, like service workers, web push notifications and IndexedDB.
An Extensive Guide To Progressive Web Applications
A Developer's Intro to Android
A Developer's Intro to Android
Hi, I'm James. I recently worked on an Android project for Scott Logic and want to share with you some of my tips for starting out as an app developer. If you are a developer wanting to learn how to code Android apps then this article is for you.
A Developer's Intro to Android
From Idea To Development: How To Write Mobile Application Requirements That Work – Smashing Magazine
From Idea To Development: How To Write Mobile Application Requirements That Work – Smashing Magazine
Why write requirements? Well, let's imagine you want to produce a mobile app, but you don’t have the programming skills. So, you find a developer who can build the app for you, and you describe the idea to him. Surprisingly, when he showcases the app for the first time, you see that it is not exactly what you want. Why? Because you didn’t provide enough detail when describing the idea.
From Idea To Development: How To Write Mobile Application Requirements That Work – Smashing Magazine
Docs – AMP
Docs – AMP
All resources you need to build stunning websites with AMP: Guides, tutorials, reference documentation and examples.
Docs – AMP
Flutter - Beautiful native apps in record time
Flutter - Beautiful native apps in record time
Flutter is Google’s mobile UI framework for crafting high-quality native experiences on iOS and Android in record time. Flutter works with existing code, is used by developers and organizations around the world, and is free and open source.
Flutter - Beautiful native apps in record time
The Future Of Mobile Web Design: Video Game Design And Storytelling — Smashing Magazine
The Future Of Mobile Web Design: Video Game Design And Storytelling — Smashing Magazine
As attention spans shorten and visitors just want to get to the good stuff on a website, designers have to get more creative in how they communicate their website’s "story." This article suggests techniques that can be used in web design.
The Future Of Mobile Web Design: Video Game Design And Storytelling — Smashing Magazine
Building with Flutter!
Building with Flutter!
Flutter is a mobile cross-development platform still in its beta. Flutter mos...
Building with Flutter!