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Framework CALMS | Atlassian
Framework CALMS | Atlassian
CALMS est un framework DevOps qui signifie Culture, Automation, Lean, Measurement et Sharing (Culture, Automatisation, Lean, Mesure et Partage). Découvrez comment il mesure le succès dans une transformation DevOps.
Framework CALMS | Atlassian
Code Quality and Code Security | SonarQube
Code Quality and Code Security | SonarQube
Catch bugs and vulnerabilities in your app, with thousands of automated Static Code Analysis rules.
Code Quality and Code Security | SonarQube
A curated list for awesome kubernetes sources :ship::tada: - ramitsurana/awesome-kubernetes
Salut à tous, je m'appelle Thomas et j'ai créé cette chaine pour partager mes expériences et connaissances dans les domaines du cloud, du devops et de linux ...
Quand les développeur(euse)s passent DevOps
Quand les développeur(euse)s passent DevOps
La mouvance DevOps a pris tellement d'ampleur que c'est rare de tomber sur une boite qui n'y adhère pas. On m'a jeté dans ce parc-aventure !
Quand les développeur(euse)s passent DevOps
DevOps Guide from basic to advanced with Interview Questions and Notes 🔥 - Tikam02/DevOps-Guide
Certificates and public key infrastructure (PKI) are hard. No shit, right? I know a lot of smart people who've avoided this particular rabbit hole. Personally, I avoided it for a long time and felt some shame for not knowing more. The obvious result was a vicious cycle: I was too embarrassed to ask questions so I never learned. Eventually I was forced to learn this stuff because of what it enables: PKI lets you define a system cryptographically. It's universal and vendor neutral. It works everywhere so bits of your system can run anywhere and communicate securely. It's conceptually simple a...
70 Best Kubernetes Tutorials
70 Best Kubernetes Tutorials
World"s most comprehensive compilation of resources about all aspects of container technology.
70 Best Kubernetes Tutorials
The DevOps Phenomenon - ACM Queue
The DevOps Phenomenon - ACM Queue
Stressful emergency releases are a thing of the past for companies that subscribe to the DevOps method of software development and delivery. New releases are frequent. Bugs are fixed rapidly. New business opportunities are sought with gusto and confidence. New features are released, revised, and improved with rapid iterations. DevOps presents a strategic advantage for organizations when compared with traditional software-development methods. Leadership plays an important role during that transformation. DevOps is about providing guidelines for faster time to market of new software features ...
The DevOps Phenomenon - ACM Queue
What is DevOps
What is DevOps
DevOps is the professional practice of frequent, continued, and iterative improvements through measurable changes, the goal of which is to become a high-velocity organization thus improving business outcomes.
What is DevOps
IBM Cloud - YouTube - YouTube
IBM Cloud - YouTube - YouTube
The path to cloud is faster than you think. Join the cloud built for your business that has the tools, data and APIs to make AI real today. It’s your cloud. ...
IBM Cloud - YouTube - YouTube
The ultimate DevOps hiring guide
The ultimate DevOps hiring guide
Hiring for DevOps talent presents its own challenges. This guide will help you navigate the unique dynamics when building your DevOps team.
The ultimate DevOps hiring guide
Play with Kubernetes Classroom
Play with Kubernetes Classroom
Learn docker through online trainings in
Play with Kubernetes Classroom
Bash One-Liners ::
Bash One-Liners ::
A collection of practical and well-explained Bash one-liners and shell script tips, tricks, snippets for GNU Linux, UNIX or BSD systems. Post your clever one-liners, search, login using SSO or Open ID. Open-source project, using Django, Python, jQuery, Git, GitHub, HTML5, Bootstrap from Twitter.
Bash One-Liners ::
Unix vs Linux - YouTube
Unix vs Linux - YouTube
Unix was started by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie and some other engineers including Brian Kernighan back in the early 1970s. It has a long and illustrious hi...
Unix vs Linux - YouTube
Introducing Play with Kubernetes
Introducing Play with Kubernetes
Every month for the last year, thousands of people have used Play with Docker and the accompanying hands-on Play with Docker Classroom training site. These sites allow you to use and learn Docker entirely within your own browser, without installing anything. Last summer, we quietly launched the companion site Play with Kubernetes, to give people a full …
Introducing Play with Kubernetes
Infrastructure as Code, Part One
Infrastructure as Code, Part One
IaC uses code to provision, configure, and manage infrastructure. In part one of this IaC miniseries, I will introduce you to the basic concepts and explain some of the benefits.
Infrastructure as Code, Part One