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A Singapour, le traçage par app dégénère en surveillance de masse
A Singapour, le traçage par app dégénère en surveillance de masse
Premier pays à avoir lancé le pistage du virus par smartphone de manière volontaire, Singapour lance un nouveau service liberticide, baptisé SafeEntry. La Suisse peut en tirer des leçons
A Singapour, le traçage par app dégénère en surveillance de masse
OpenTrace is the reference implementation of BlueTrace, a privacy-preserving protocol for epidemiological contact tracing to fight COVID-19 - OpenTrace
Data Breaches: The Complete WIRED Guide
Data Breaches: The Complete WIRED Guide
Everything you ever wanted to know about Equifax, Mariott, and the problem with social security numbers.
Data Breaches: The Complete WIRED Guide
The Data Detox Kit: Learn the Essentials
The Data Detox Kit: Learn the Essentials
The Data Detox Kit gives you simple tips and techniques to help you control your digital privacy, security, and wellbeing in ways that feel right to you.
The Data Detox Kit: Learn the Essentials
Refusez les programmes de surveillance de données comme PRISM, XKeyscore etTempora - PRISM Break - PRISM Break
Refusez les programmes de surveillance de données comme PRISM, XKeyscore etTempora - PRISM Break - PRISM Break
Refusez les programmes de surveillance des données comme PRISM, XKeyscore et Tempora. Nous avons tous le droit à la vie privée dès maintenant en chiffrant nos communications et en mettant fin à notre dépendance à l'égard des services propriétaires.
Refusez les programmes de surveillance de données comme PRISM, XKeyscore etTempora - PRISM Break - PRISM Break
Le traçage anonyme, dangereux oxymore
Le traçage anonyme, dangereux oxymore
Des spécialistes en sécurité informatique analysent les risques des applications de traçage à l'aide de scénarios concrets.
Le traçage anonyme, dangereux oxymore
GoAccess - Visual Web Log Analyzer
GoAccess - Visual Web Log Analyzer
GoAccess is an open source real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal in *nix systems or through your browser.
GoAccess - Visual Web Log Analyzer
Une cartographie des outils et pratiques de protection de la vie privée | LINC
Une cartographie des outils et pratiques de protection de la vie privée | LINC
Comment promouvoir des technologies protectrices de la vie privée, en s'adressant au plus grand nombre, tout en respectant les pratiques et sensibilités de chacun ? Pour répondre à cette question, LINC a choisi de tracer une cartographie des « pratiques de protection de la vie privée », pour rendre compte de la diversité des approches et des outils, sans labelliser tel ou tel produit ou service. Répondre à la mission de promotion des technologies protectrices de la vie privée
Une cartographie des outils et pratiques de protection de la vie privée | LINC
Top Economists Study What Happens When You Stop Using Facebook
Top Economists Study What Happens When You Stop Using Facebook
In the most recent issue of the prestigious American Economic Review, a group of well-known economists published a paper titled "The Welfare Effects of Social
Top Economists Study What Happens When You Stop Using Facebook
Project Svalbard, Have I Been Pwned and its Ongoing Independence
Project Svalbard, Have I Been Pwned and its Ongoing Independence
This is going to be a lengthy blog post so let me use this opening paragraph as a summary of where Project Svalbard is at: Have I Been Pwned is no longer being sold and I will continue running it independently. After 11 months of a very intensive process culminating
Project Svalbard, Have I Been Pwned and its Ongoing Independence
How to Dox Yourself on the Internet
How to Dox Yourself on the Internet
A step-by-step guide to finding and removing your personal information from the internet.
How to Dox Yourself on the Internet
Ce qui menace nos libertés
Ce qui menace nos libertés
L’affaire Griveaux, loin d’être anecdotique, est importante à bien des égards, et notamment de par les réactions qu’elle suscite. Entre autres choses, ces réactions révèlent – ou plutôt révei…
Ce qui menace nos libertés
8 Unbelievable Things You Never Knew About Tracking by Laura Kalbag
8 Unbelievable Things You Never Knew About Tracking by Laura Kalbag
The web, and big tech at large, is tracking our every move, habit, and facial expression. As developers who are also users, we both contribute to the surveillance system and are exploited by it. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
8 Unbelievable Things You Never Knew About Tracking by Laura Kalbag
Mine - The Future of Data Ownership
Mine - The Future of Data Ownership
Mine allows digital users to discover, and effectively manage what the internet knows about them, their digital footprint.
Mine - The Future of Data Ownership
Institute for Critical Digital Culture
I Got Access to My Secret Consumer Score. Now You Can Get Yours, Too.
I Got Access to My Secret Consumer Score. Now You Can Get Yours, Too.
Little-known companies are amassing your data — like food orders and Airbnb messages — and selling the analysis to clients. Here’s how to get a copy of what they have on you.
I Got Access to My Secret Consumer Score. Now You Can Get Yours, Too.
Your online privacy is under attack. Windscribe sets you free.
Ghostery Makes the Web Cleaner, Faster and Safer!
Ghostery Makes the Web Cleaner, Faster and Safer!
Download the Ghostery privacy browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Edge. Get the Ghostery Privacy App for iOS and Android.
Ghostery Makes the Web Cleaner, Faster and Safer!
Do Not Track
Do Not Track
Blog & Linkography of Do Not Track, a personalized documentary series about privacy and the web economy. By Upian, Arte, ONF & BR.
Do Not Track