Regulation is coming to the data centre sector - Intelligent Data Centres
John Booth, Chair DCA Energy Efficiency SIG & MD, Carbon 3IT, discusses who will be regulating the data centre sector and what the implications will be.
The data centre has always been subject to regulation, but this is more by default rather than direct and targeted legislation. We fall under the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989, for power systems, the Energy
Concevoir des services éco-responsables en alliant Design de Services et Eco-conception Numérique #ParisWeb #Green IT
Le Design de Service est une démarche de conception centrée utilisateurs qui permet de créer ou re-concevoir des services de bout en bout et sous toutes leurs dimensions (géographique, temporelle,…
Pour une vraie sobriété, encadrons les data centers
Énergivores et imposants, les data centers sont pourtant libres de s’installer où ils veulent. Lier planification énergétique et urbaine devient urgent pour freiner leur essor, soutient l’auteur de cette tribune.
Daniel Rousseaux est urbaniste, spécialiste en participation citoyenne et intéressé par les questions d’environnement. Derrière l’image sobre et bleutée des serveurs ronronnant dans les centres de données (« data centers ») se cachent de véritables usines électriques. Chaque fois que vous (...)
Improving the accuracy of website carbon emissions estimates
Existing models for website carbon emissions are good for reaching a ballpark figure of website CO2 emissions. This post goes into some ways to generate more specific, accurate emissions estimates.
Carbon-Aware Computing Whitepaper - How UBS succeeded in measuring and reducing carbon emissions of their core risk platform
The first enterprise-scale implementation of carbon-aware computing using the software carbon intensity (SCI) specification and carbon-aware-sdk is capable of avoiding multiple metric tons of CO2eq from entering the atmosphere -- every year.
With a digital sustainability approach, businesses can not only reduce emissions but also improve the performance of digital channels with relative ease. : un modèle de performance web environnementale ? - Temesis
Vous l’attendiez ? Voici le dernier volet de notre étude de la performance web environnementale consacrée à YouTube, le géant de la vidéo en ligne. Cet article traite de l’écoconception du …
Is Low-Code Development Better for the Environment?
The answer: it depends, based on — among other factors — how you define low code/no code and serverless, which cloud provider you use, and where its servers live. #lowcode #nocode #serverless #AWS #cloudproviders #greencloud
The Impact of Green Feedback on Users’ Software Usage
The rise of the energy impact of software systems requires the need to optimize and reduce their energy consumption. One area often neglected is the important role played by users to drive energy reductions. In this paper, we aim to reduce the energy impact of software by pushing end users to change their software usage behavior, through raising awareness and providing software green feedback. We present a comprehensive and detailed field study of the impact of green feedback on software usage by end users, and the efficiency of green feedback on software behavioral change, using a distributed architecture aimed at providing accurate green feedback in real time. We find that green feedback helps in raising awareness about software energy, and on the willingness of users to apply energy-efficient changes. However, we also find that users lack the knowledge and tools to properly adopt lasting and energy-effective behavioral changes.