Web : Beau site, mais mauvais impact… Est-il possible de combiner expérience utilisateur et écologie ?
Peut-on décider de faire un beau site sans le rendre trop lourd ? Oui, répondent les partisans de l'éco-conception. Immersion dans ce troisième épisode dans l'univer(t) de l'UX design
Comment rendre les applications moins énergivores ?
C’est un vrai problème écologique : les applications mobiles semblent consommer toujours plus d’énergie. À Lille, Romain Rouvoy et ses collègues, chercheurs en sciences du logiciel, travaillent à rendre ces programmes informatiques plus sobres. Détails.
Do people really want to buy sustainable products?
I’ve seen a lot of reports in recent years stating that consumers want to buy more eco-friendly and socially responsible products and services. Just as examples, a 2020 report from McKinsey found that two thirds of consumers consider sustainability when making a purchase, and research from YouGov
Is money inflating the climate crisis?
Invest in inflation. It’s the only thing going up. That was a joke made around a century ago by actor and Mayor of Beverly Hills, Will Rogers. It seems just as appropriate now as everyone is feeling things getting more expensive. Food, energy, clothes, books, holidays, houses, cars, education. You name it and it’s going up in price.
Sustainable Systems: Architectural Choices & Sustainability
In continuing the Sustainable Systems series, Anne Currie focuses on architectural choices and sustainability and offers points for those who want to be carbon aware and follow principles of green software engineering in practice.
« Si notre smartphone avait une conscience, est-ce qu’on le remplacerait aussi facilement ? »
Trois questions à Julia Jean et Lucie Robert, respectivement directrice créative et designer en cheffe au sein du studio Naraven Games. Leur jeu vidéo BACKFIREWALL_, bientôt disponible sur ordinateur et console, raconte l’histoire d’un système d’exploitation refusant d’être mis à jour.
Whose idea was carbon footprinting?
In my book, Sustainable Web Design, I tell the story of how the junk food industry addressed the growing problem of litter in the 1970’s. As companies such as Coca-Cola increasingly promoted products sold in disposable packaging, towns and cities became cursed by litter on their streets. In one of the greatest public relations successes of modern history, these companies banded together to launch a campaign to convince the public that the litter on the streets was not the fault of the companies whose logos were printed on it, but of the ordinary people who had dropped it. They founded a puppet environmental organisation called
Microsoft And AI2 Partnered With The Green Software Foundation On Tools For Building Carbon-Aware Applications
For a long time, scientists have been concerned about the ever-increasing carbon footprint. The World Meteorological Organization recently stated that the global temperature has a 50% chance of topping 1.5 degrees Celsius in the next five years. Scientists believe this should be the upper limit to avoid catastrophic climate change. They believe that even if humans attain this long-term threshold, human quality of life and other supporting ecosystems will suffer enormous upheavals. Sustainable AI is thought to have the ability to minimize carbon emissions. This can be accomplished by incorporating renewable energy into the power grid or lowering the cost