Climate change implications of gaming products and services - University of Surrey
There is increasing concern over the climate change impact of games consoles. There is, however, little research on the life cycle carbon impact of consoles and existing research (the majority of which is focused on usage) is outdated. This study uses life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology to compare the climate change impact of different console-based gaming methods (i.e. games played from a disc, a down-loaded file, or streamed from the cloud). Console usage and Internet usage were identified as life cycle stages where data were unknown or uncertain. Two studies to improve the understanding of these areas were undertaken in this research and used to complete a cradle-to-grave carbon footprint study of gaming (compared using a functional unit of carbon equivalent emissions per hour of gameplay). Results estimated that, for average cases, download is the lowest carbon method of gaming at 0.047 kgCO2e/h, followed by disc at 0.055 kgCO2e/h. Cloud gaming has higher estimated carbon emissions at 0.149 kgCO2e/h, largely due to the additional energy consumed during use in the Internet, gaming servers, and home router equip-ment. These findings only represent average cases and the size of game files and length of gameplay time were found to be key variables significantly impacting the results. For example, for games played for under 8 hours, cloud gaming was found to have lower carbon emissions than downloads (up to 24 hours when compared to disc). In order to analyse these results, a new method for identifying which gaming method has the lowest carbon emissions with variation in both file size and gameplay time was developed. This has allowed for the identification of the thresholds in which different gaming methods have lowest carbon emissions, for any given range of input variables. The carbon emissions of gaming are highly dependent on consumer behav-iour (which game method is used, how long games are played for, and the type and size of those games) and therefore LCA based on average assumptions for these variables has limited application.
Quatre mois après : que penser du RGESN v.1 2024 de l'ARCEP ? - Temesis
Le 17 mai dernier, au Conseil National des Arts et Métiers à Paris, l’ARCEP officialisait la sortie de la version 1 du RGESN 2024, le Référentiel général de l’écoconception des services …
RETINAS: Real-Time Infrastructure Accounting for Sustainability
We are introducing a new metric— real-time server fleet utilization effectiveness —as part of the RETINAS initiative to help reduce emissions and achieve net zero emissions across our value chain i…
Écogiciel - L'éco-conception des logiciels. - INFOCERT
Éco-conception des logiciels : le label Écogiciel. Contactez-nous si vous souhaitez mettre en place une démarche de labellisation de votre logiciel. PRÉSENTATION Conscients de l’impact écologique du domaine numérique et fermement convaincus de l’impératif de prendre en considération les défis environnementaux, INFOCERT a décidé d’utiliser son expertise en certification de logiciels pour soutenir le lancement […]
La Gaîté Lyrique, lieu culturel de la Ville de Paris, entend répondre à l’urgence culturelle, sociale, démocratique et climatique. Avec le projet Fabrique de l’époque, entre création et engagement, elle invite à passer de l’idée à l’action, tous et toutes rassemblées autour d’un concert, d’une table ronde, d’un verre, d’une performance, d’un atelier ou d’une projection.
Écoconception | Ministère de la Transition écologique et de la Cohésion des territoires
Le Ministère de la Transition Écologique et de la Cohésion des Territoires est engagé dans une démarche d’écoconception de son site internet afin d’en réduire l’impact environnemental.
Référentiel général d'écoconception de services numériques
Le Référentiel Général d’Écoconception de Services Numériques (RGESN) est un référentiel produit par la direction interministérielle du numérique, le ministère de la transition écologique, l’ADEME et l’institut du numérique responsable. Il a pour objectif de guider les concepteur de services numé...
Purpose of this website This website aims to centralize all the information concerning the MAS Seeds Global. It showcases the company, its activities and its projects, and it features a recruitment job board. The target users of the service are professionals wanting to learn more about the MAS Seeds, journalists and media wanting to get […]