Designing Branch: Sustainable Interaction Design Principles - Branch
There’s a need to reconnect the digital to the physical, from minerals and energy to the physical infrastructure that powers the internet. We have to repurpose our digital design processes to consider and reflect these ecological needs, instead of optimising only for business and growth objectives, to achieve more transactions, interactions and attention. One of […]
SustainableUX: design vs. climate change
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The online event for UX, front-end, and product people who want to make a positive impact—on climate-change, social equality, and inclusion. Follow us on Twitter or subscribe to our newsletter to hear about future events.
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Jordyn Bonds
Hana Nagel
Cennydd Bowles
Carbon Syncing Calculator - Small99
It can take up to 15 years for a tree to draw down significant amounts of carbon. In the first few years of a trees life, it may only consume 2kg of CO2 per year. Therefore to truly offset, you need to plant many more each year. This tool was inspired by Wholegrain Digital’s blog Read more...
environmental-impact-data/Fixometer LCA data - 2021 - Raw data.csv at main · TheRestartProject/environmental-impact-data
Information about the weight and CO2e emissions generated through the production and distribution of a wide range of common consumer products. - environmental-impact-data/Fixometer LCA data - 2021...
API Boavizta: évaluation automatisée des impacts environnementaux des services et équipements numériques | Boavizta
Boavizta a pour mission de généraliser l’évaluation et la réduction des impacts environnementaux des Technologies de l’Information et des Communications. Le groupe de travail délivre des outils open-source, des méthodes et des données ouvertes, facilitant cet objectif. Dans ce cadre, nous publions une API open-source qui permet l'évaluation des impacts environnementaux des équipements et des infrastructures on-premise ou cloud (AWS, pour le moment).
Report: Fog of Enactment - The Green Web Foundation
Foreword A decade ago, the Green Web Foundation set out to increase the internet’s energy efficiency and speed up its transition away from fossil fuels. As a Dutch non-profit, we steward the largest open dataset that tracks websites running on renewables—with an open tool suite used over 2 billion times. We are now focusing on… Read More »Report: Fog of Enactment
thegreenwebfoundation/lighthouse-plugin-greenhouse: Lighthouse, but for running sites on renewable power instead of fossil fuels
Lighthouse, but for running sites on renewable power instead of fossil fuels - thegreenwebfoundation/lighthouse-plugin-greenhouse: Lighthouse, but for running sites on renewable power instead of ...