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(1) Création d'un site web numérique responsable - 1/2 | LinkedIn
(1) Création d'un site web numérique responsable - 1/2 | LinkedIn
Voici, à travers l’histoire de la création du site, comment j’ai réussi à intégrer les 3 principes fondamentaux du développement durable qui font le numérique responsable :  Le respect de l’environnement, Le respect de l’équité sociale, L’efficacité économique.
(1) Création d'un site web numérique responsable - 1/2 | LinkedIn
Toward zero: Reducing and offsetting our data center power emissions
Toward zero: Reducing and offsetting our data center power emissions
Following the massive Australian bushfires earlier this year, I was motivated to act within my role as a data scientist at Automattic to help fight anthropogenic climate change. Together with colle…
Toward zero: Reducing and offsetting our data center power emissions
Low-tech Lab – Faire un site low-tech ?
Low-tech Lab – Faire un site low-tech ?
Le Low-tech Lab est un programme de recherche et de documentation Open-Source visant à valoriser l’innovation low-tech tout en boostant son développement.
Low-tech Lab – Faire un site low-tech ?
La consommation de métaux du numérique : un secteur loin d’être dématérialisé
La consommation de métaux du numérique : un secteur loin d’être dématérialisé
France Stratégie, le Commissariat général à la stratégie et à la prospective, est un organisme de réflexion, d’expertise et de concertation placé auprès du Premier ministre. 4 missions orchestrent son action : Évaluer, Anticiper, Débattre, Proposer
La consommation de métaux du numérique : un secteur loin d’être dématérialisé
Carbon-Aware Kubernetes
Carbon-Aware Kubernetes
If you are running microservices these days there is a high probability you are managing them with Kubernetes. Kubernetes makes container management easy and its websites boasts of “Planet Scale”, “Never Outgrow”, and “Run Anywhere” as some of its key features.
Carbon-Aware Kubernetes
Smart Guide to Climate Change
Smart Guide to Climate Change
Using scientific research and data, we break down the most effective strategies each of us can take to shrink our carbon footprint.
Smart Guide to Climate Change
Focus on the waste: Developing an earth experience culture in digital
Focus on the waste: Developing an earth experience culture in digital
The greatest challenge we have today both in the physical and digital world is waste. It’s not an energy production problem we have. It’s a waste production problem. The defining characteristic of “rich” world culture is profligate waste. We create, for example, so much plastic waste that geologists are seeing a sedimentary layer of plastic...
Focus on the waste: Developing an earth experience culture in digital
Compensation carbone et Treewashing : Jonathan Guyot
Compensation carbone et Treewashing : Jonathan Guyot
Jonathan Guyot revient sur le principe de compensation carbone et sur ces cas flagrant de Treewashing, où certaines entreprises ...
Compensation carbone et Treewashing : Jonathan Guyot
#ServingGreen: There are many things we can do to to make sure that the apps we build, the data we share, and the sites we visit are good for people and planet.
Why your internet habits are not as clean as you think
Why your internet habits are not as clean as you think
The internet allows us to send messages, share pictures, download music and stream videos at a touch of a button, but our online habits have a surprising impact on the environment.
Why your internet habits are not as clean as you think
Calculating the pollution cost of website analytics (Part 1)
Calculating the pollution cost of website analytics (Part 1)
The most dangerous cost is the cost closest to zero. The most dangerous concept is cheap. The cost close to zero easily becomes invisible. We don’t see it so we don’t think it exists, and that makes us consume with abandon, that makes us waste at will.That which is cheap—or, worse still, free—is nearly always abusive. It is often abusive of...
Calculating the pollution cost of website analytics (Part 1)
Microsoft Planetary Computer
Microsoft Planetary Computer
Supporting sustainability decision-making with the power of the cloud
Microsoft Planetary Computer
Thanks in Advance
Thanks in Advance
A website by Anyways Creative that explores the issue of digital hoarding by uncovering the collective environmental cost of our cluttered inboxes
Thanks in Advance