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Green AI: A Preliminary Empirical Study on Energy Consumption in DL Models Across Different Runtime Infrastructures
Green AI: A Preliminary Empirical Study on Energy Consumption in DL Models Across Different Runtime Infrastructures
Deep Learning (DL) frameworks such as PyTorch and TensorFlow include runtime infrastructures responsible for executing trained models on target hardware, managing memory, data transfers, and multi-accelerator execution, if applicable. Additionally, it is a common practice to deploy pre-trained models on environments distinct from their native development settings. This led to the introduction of interchange formats such as ONNX, which includes its runtime infrastructure, and ONNX Runtime, which work as standard formats that can be used across diverse DL frameworks and languages. Even though these runtime infrastructures have a great impact on inference performance, no previous paper has investigated their energy efficiency. In this study, we monitor the energy consumption and inference time in the runtime infrastructures of three well-known DL frameworks as well as ONNX, using three various DL models. To have nuance in our investigation, we also examine the impact of using different execution providers. We find out that the performance and energy efficiency of DL are difficult to predict. One framework, MXNet, outperforms both PyTorch and TensorFlow for the computer vision models using batch size 1, due to efficient GPU usage and thus low CPU usage. However, batch size 64 makes PyTorch and MXNet practically indistinguishable, while TensorFlow is outperformed consistently. For BERT, PyTorch exhibits the best performance. Converting the models to ONNX usually yields significant performance improvements but the ONNX converted ResNet model with batch size 64 consumes approximately 10% more energy and time than the original PyTorch model.
Green AI: A Preliminary Empirical Study on Energy Consumption in DL Models Across Different Runtime Infrastructures
Sustainability, a surprisingly successful KPI: GreenOps survey results - ClimateAction.Tech
Sustainability, a surprisingly successful KPI: GreenOps survey results - ClimateAction.Tech
If you want to save money in Enterprise IT, it turns out that sustainability as a KPI is more important than cost - this is one of the key findings coming from the recent GreenOps Survey, some research made possible by the recent ClimateAction MiniGrants fund.
Sustainability, a surprisingly successful KPI: GreenOps survey results - ClimateAction.Tech
Qu’est-ce vraiment que l’éco-conception web : frugalité des contenus, designs et fonctionnalités, ou série d'optimisations techniques ?
Qu’est-ce vraiment que l’éco-conception web : frugalité des contenus, designs et fonctionnalités, ou série d'optimisations techniques ?
Récemment, on m’a posé la question de savoir si un site plein de visuels et de grandes images pouvait être considéré comme éco-conçu si on l’optimisait à mort. Alors : éco-conception web = frugalité des contenus ou optimisations techniques ?
Qu’est-ce vraiment que l’éco-conception web : frugalité des contenus, designs et fonctionnalités, ou série d'optimisations techniques ?
L'écoconception web mobile : un pas vers un internet plus léger et éco-responsable!
L'écoconception web mobile : un pas vers un internet plus léger et éco-responsable!
Cet article qui résume un rapport de Greenspector explore les impacts environnementaux des différents éléments d'une page web. À travers une méthodologie rigoureuse de mesure, il révèle l'importance de la compréhension du "poids" numérique de chaque composant pour une écoconception web efficace, tout en remettant en question certains modèles mentaux sur les impacts environnementaux du numérique.
L'écoconception web mobile : un pas vers un internet plus léger et éco-responsable!
Characterization of the energy consumption of websites: Impact of website implementation on resource consumption | Request PDF
Characterization of the energy consumption of websites: Impact of website implementation on resource consumption | Request PDF
Request PDF | On Jan 1, 2014, Olivier Philippot and others published Characterization of the energy consumption of websites: Impact of website implementation on resource consumption | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
Characterization of the energy consumption of websites: Impact of website implementation on resource consumption | Request PDF
Is “software eco-design” a solution to reduce the environmental impact of electronic equipments? | Request PDF
Is “software eco-design” a solution to reduce the environmental impact of electronic equipments? | Request PDF
Request PDF | On Sep 1, 2016, Marc Vautier and others published Is “software eco-design” a solution to reduce the environmental impact of electronic equipments? | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
Is “software eco-design” a solution to reduce the environmental impact of electronic equipments? | Request PDF
10 chiffres à connaître sur l'avion et le climat
10 chiffres à connaître sur l'avion et le climat
Si l'idée que l'avion a un impact important sur le réchauffement climatique commence à faire du chemin, de nombreuses idées reçues continuent
10 chiffres à connaître sur l'avion et le climat
Réaffirmons la radicalité du numérique responsable.
Réaffirmons la radicalité du numérique responsable.
Designers Éthiques est une association qui explore les pratiques de conception numérique. Nous travaillons à la capacitation des designers et des professionnels du numérique pour produire un numérique émancipateur, durable et désirable.
Réaffirmons la radicalité du numérique responsable.
From a Earthshot Prize Nominee, World Green Technology Leader, Digital Ambassador of the Year and Google Brain Award Winner Decarbonise Digital | Sustainable IT | Climate Change Solutions