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How can green businesses avoid greenwashing?
How can green businesses avoid greenwashing?
Volkswagen make clean diesel engines. Like really clean diesel. Or so they claimed. Their Clean Diesel technology was a key selling feature of some of their most popular vehicles. Then in 2015, it all fell apart when the US Environmental Protection Agency found that real world NOx emissions from their vehicles were forty times higher than in laboratory tests. To make it worse, this was not an accident. Volkswagen had programmed their engine management system to identify when a vehicle was going through an emissions test and modify engine performance to reduce emissions during the testing cycle. This was not only misleading, it was illegal. The deception affected 11 million cars worldwide and became known as the Dieselgate scandal, probably the best known example of corporate greenwashing.
How can green businesses avoid greenwashing?
Réduire la taille des packages et mises à jour
Réduire la taille des packages et mises à jour
Constat : avec l’âge nos applications prennent du poidsAvec l’accroissement des possibilités de stockage offertes par les smartphones et l’augmentation de la bande passante disponible, nos apps n’ont cessé de “prendre du poids” au cours du temps.
Réduire la taille des packages et mises à jour
Invest in accessibility training
Invest in accessibility training
CivicActions Accessibility site is an open project for our team members and those who work for digital inclusion.
Invest in accessibility training
Vers des Logiciels Éco-responsables
Vers des Logiciels Éco-responsables
Depuis son origine, le génie logiciel s’est attaché à élaborer des méthodes, concepts et outils pour réduire significativement les coûts liés au développement (maintenance, réutilisation...) des logiciels, garantir leur intégrité, fiabilité... Cependant, pour relever le défi de la transition écologique, une nouvelle préoccupation doit être intégrée dans tous ces artefacts : le coût environnemental. Ainsi, le génie logiciel « éco-responsable » est la branche qui s’intéresse à l’efficience énergétique et à la durabilité des logiciels. Nous dégageons notamment 6 grandes pistes de recherche qui, combinées, peuvent apporter des réponses à la hauteur des enjeux.
Vers des Logiciels Éco-responsables
Submarine Cable Map
Submarine Cable Map
TeleGeography's comprehensive and regularly updated interactive map of the world's major submarine cable systems and landing stations.
Submarine Cable Map
Listes des métaux rares et des terres rares- Lingot Swiss
Listes des métaux rares et des terres rares- Lingot Swiss
Listes des métaux rares et des terres rares. Classification en fonction de leurs rareté et leurs réserves estimé, les métaux rares (Or, Argent) mais aussi les terres rares (Antimoine, graphite...)
Listes des métaux rares et des terres rares- Lingot Swiss
Comment rendre les applications moins énergivores ?
Comment rendre les applications moins énergivores ?
C’est un vrai problème écologique : les applications mobiles semblent consommer toujours plus d’énergie. À Lille, Romain Rouvoy et ses collègues, chercheurs en sciences du logiciel, travaillent à rendre ces programmes informatiques plus sobres. Détails.
Comment rendre les applications moins énergivores ?
Do people really want to buy sustainable products?
Do people really want to buy sustainable products?
I’ve seen a lot of reports in recent years stating that consumers want to buy more eco-friendly and socially responsible products and services. Just as examples, a 2020 report from McKinsey found that two thirds of consumers consider sustainability when making a purchase, and research from YouGov
Do people really want to buy sustainable products?
Is money inflating the climate crisis?
Is money inflating the climate crisis?
Invest in inflation. It’s the only thing going up. That was a joke made around a century ago by actor and Mayor of Beverly Hills, Will Rogers. It seems just as appropriate now as everyone is feeling things getting more expensive. Food, energy, clothes, books, holidays, houses, cars, education. You name it and it’s going up in price.
Is money inflating the climate crisis?
Solar Hosting • Scott Evans
Solar Hosting • Scott Evans
A project to self host a website in Sweden using solar power, battery storage and a Raspberry Pi. Low tech homelab solution.
Solar Hosting • Scott Evans
Energy efficient color palette ideas - Green the web
Energy efficient color palette ideas - Green the web
Did you know that there are energy efficient color palettes? Colors you can save battery life with. It is true! At least when your user’s device is an OLED display.
Energy efficient color palette ideas - Green the web
Where do Digital Emissions Come From?
Where do Digital Emissions Come From?
Chicago digital agency Mightybytes breaks down digital emissions sources and outlines a plan of action you can take to reduce them.
Where do Digital Emissions Come From?
Underengineer Your Websites (with Adrian Roselli) | Some Antics
Underengineer Your Websites (with Adrian Roselli) | Some Antics
Oftentimes, the most accessible, interoperable experiences are the ones that require the most minimal engineer — and few know that better than Adrian Roselli...
Underengineer Your Websites (with Adrian Roselli) | Some Antics
Revealed: The climate cost of 'disposable smartphones'
Revealed: The climate cost of 'disposable smartphones'
Extending the lifespan of smartphones and other electronics by just one year would save the EU as much carbon emissions as taking 2 million cars off the roads annually, a new study finds.
Revealed: The climate cost of 'disposable smartphones'
One small step for earth
One small step for earth
Small steps you can take to support the climate fight.
One small step for earth
Sustainable Systems: Architectural Choices & Sustainability
Sustainable Systems: Architectural Choices & Sustainability
In continuing the Sustainable Systems series, Anne Currie focuses on architectural choices and sustainability and offers points for those who want to be carbon aware and follow principles of green software engineering in practice.
Sustainable Systems: Architectural Choices & Sustainability
Operational Choices in Sustainable Architecture | GSF
Operational Choices in Sustainable Architecture | GSF
In the second article in the Sustainable Systems series, Anne Currie focuses on operational choices you can make to improve how your software is run.
Operational Choices in Sustainable Architecture | GSF
Tradeoff Between Server Utilization and Energy Efficiency
Tradeoff Between Server Utilization and Energy Efficiency
What should you monitor as you try to increase the hardware efficiency of software? To find out, read this first article by Srinivasan Rakhunathan in the Sustainable Systems column.
Tradeoff Between Server Utilization and Energy Efficiency
Software Carbon Intensity: Crafting a Standard | GSF
Software Carbon Intensity: Crafting a Standard | GSF
The Software Carbon Intensity (SCI) standard gives an actionable approach to software designers, developers and deployers to measure the carbon impacts of their systems.
Software Carbon Intensity: Crafting a Standard | GSF
« Si notre smartphone avait une conscience, est-ce qu’on le remplacerait aussi facilement ? »
« Si notre smartphone avait une conscience, est-ce qu’on le remplacerait aussi facilement ? »
Trois questions à Julia Jean et Lucie Robert, respectivement directrice créative et designer en cheffe au sein du studio Naraven Games. Leur jeu vidéo BACKFIREWALL_, bientôt disponible sur ordinateur et console, raconte l’histoire d’un système d’exploitation refusant d’être mis à jour.
« Si notre smartphone avait une conscience, est-ce qu’on le remplacerait aussi facilement ? »
Whose idea was carbon footprinting?
Whose idea was carbon footprinting?
In my book, Sustainable Web Design, I tell the story of how the junk food industry addressed the growing problem of litter in the 1970’s. As companies such as Coca-Cola increasingly promoted products sold in disposable packaging, towns and cities became cursed by litter on their streets. In one of the greatest public relations successes of modern history, these companies banded together to launch a campaign to convince the public that the litter on the streets was not the fault of the companies whose logos were printed on it, but of the ordinary people who had dropped it. They founded a puppet environmental organisation called
Whose idea was carbon footprinting?