Principles for Sustainable Software Design
Assessment of the energy footprint of digital actions and services - Publications Office of the EU
Details of the publication
Data centres & networks - IEA
As the world becomes increasingly digitalised, data centres and data transmission networks are emerging as an important source of energy demand.
ecoCode : réduisons l'empreinte écologique de nos logiciels
ecoCode est un projet collectif visant à réduire l'impact environnemental des solutions numériques : baisse de la consommation énergétique, inclusivité, accessibilité...
Ecoconception des services numériques
Impacts environnementaux liés à la conception
Eco-conception - Bordeaux Métropole Mes démarches
Craft Code is up
The adventure begins
Document de travail - La consommation de métaux du numérique : un secteur loin d’être dématérialisé - fs-2020-dt-consommation-metaux-du-numerique-juin.pdf
Average software waste hit $18M last year despite optimization push
Overall SaaS spending fell year over year, but shadow IT overspend and app redundancies persisted, Zylo research found.
Verdir l’IA : un cheval de Troie pour étendre son usage ? - AOC media
Si les problèmes publics qui entourent le développement de l’Intelligence Artificielle (IA) font souvent les gros titres (discriminations raciales, surveillance de masse, automatisation des emplois, etc), la conjonction du mouvement critique contre la tech et des activistes du climat pointe, depuis quelques années, de manière plus discrète, les effets néfastes de l’IA sur l'environnement.
Thinking about a way to estimate website energy use
In this post, I want to continue building out an incremental model, but rather than focusing on emissions calculations I want to create a model to estimate energy use.
What Is The Carbon Footprint Of A Laptop?
More than 272 million new laptops are manufactured every year, making the IT industry responsible for as much greenhouse gas pollution as the entire airline industry. This equates to the IT industry contributing 2% of global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Internet usage continues to rise, with more people using mobiles and tablets in their everyday … What Is The Carbon Footprint Of A Laptop? Read More »
Drupal CO2 — reducing your website's carbon footprint | Salsa Digital
View our top 10 Drupal CO2 tips.
How much battery does dark mode save? An Accurate OLED Display Power Profiler for Modern Smartphones - 3458864.3467682.pdf
Estimating the environmental impact of Generative-AI services using an LCA-based methodology
Generative AI (Gen-AI) represents a major growth potential for the digital industry, a new stage in digital transformation through its many applications. Unfortunately, by accelerating the growth of digital technology, Gen-AI is contributing to the significant and multiple environmental damage caused by its sector. The question of the sustainability of IT must include this new technology and its applications, by measuring its environmental impact. To best respond to this challenge, we propose various ways of improving the measurement of Gen-AI's environmental impact. Whether using life-cycle analysis methods or direct measurement experiments, we illustrate our methods by studying Stable Diffusion a Gen-AI image generation available as a service. By calculating the full environmental costs of this Gen-AI service from end to end, we broaden our view of the impact of these technologies. We show that Gen-AI, as a service, generates an impact through the use of numerous user terminals and networks. We also show that decarbonizing the sources of electricity for these services will not be enough to solve the problem of their sustainability, due to their consumption of energy and rare metals. This consumption will inevitably raise the question of feasibility in a world of finite resources. We therefore propose our methodology as a means of measuring the impact of Gen-AI in advance. Such estimates will provide valuable data for discussing the sustainability or otherwise of Gen-AI solutions in a more transparent and comprehensive way. We intend to help this discussion by differentiating in our approach between the embodied and operational impacts of Gen-AI. In this way, we can consider the sustainability of models, as we already do for equipment.
Creating a low Carbon Umbraco Website with SSG | Blog | Etive Mòr
Using Umbraco Delivery API, NextJS's Static Site Generation, and uSync, to create an ultra-low energy Umbraco website
WeTransfer Advertising - Make better ads whitepaper - 2023 - WeTransfer_Advertising_-_Make_better_ads_whitepaper_-_2023.pdf
State of Readiness - Sustainability in Digital Advertising Report - IAB Europe
Sustainability is now a key focus for the digital advertising industry. Last year, it was estimated that a typical ad campaign emitted around 5.4 tons of CO2, with a programmatic ad impression producing around one gram of Co2 emissions. When the number of ad impressions transacted on a regular basis…
Announcing the (proposed) Technology Carbon Standard
We're excited to announce a proposed standard for assessing technology-related carbon emissions – an approach to classifying an organisation's technology footprint in a way that enables consistent analysis and benchmarking of the carbon impact, aligned with the GHG protocol.
Green Algorithms
Towards environmentally sustainable computational science
Dead Simple Sites — Minimal Website Inspiration
Dead Simple Sites curates the most minimal sites on the web.
Reporting requirements on the energy performance and sustainability of data centres for the Energy Efficiency Directive. Task A report, Options for a reporting scheme for data centres - Publications Office of the EU
Details of the publication
L'intelligence collective au service de l'écoconception numérique - Groupe Isia
L'intelligence collective est un levier pour déployer la démarche d'écoconception numérique dans une organisation : on vous explique pourquoi
[TeleCoop] Article blog + Déclaration d’écoconception - HackMD
L’écoconception numérique continue à se développer en France, notamment portée par le nouveau réglement général d’écoconception de services numériques (RGESN) développé au sein de l’État. Cette pratique consiste à se demander quoi faire pour réduire la charge environnementale (émissions de gaz à effet de serre, consommation d’énergie, d’eau, etc.) d’un site web et de son usage. Nous avons maintenant une certaine expérience du sujet puisque nous explorons à la fois en théorie et en pratique depuis 5 ans toutes ces questions. La refonte de Telecoop s’inscrit d’ailleurs dans la continuité de celle pour Commown avec Derek Salmon. Dans cette étude de cas, nous allons tâcher d’appliquer ce fameux RGESN qui se distingue par 8 grands axes : la stratégie, les spécifications, l’architecture, l’UX/UI, les contenus, le front-end, le back-end, l’hébergement. Nous allons reprendre point par point chacun de ces éléments.
Constat environnemental : sur le chemin d'une écoconception
Découvrez la conférence de Christophe Clouzeau, qui présente l'importance d'une écoconception et de l'impact environnemental du numérique.
Sustainability competencies and skills in software engineering: An industry perspective
Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) demands a shift by industry, governments, society, and individuals to reach adequate levels of a…