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Global PUEs — are they going anywhere? - Uptime Institute Blog
Global PUEs — are they going anywhere? - Uptime Institute Blog
Regular readers of Uptime Institute’s annual data center survey, the longest running of its kind, already know that the industry average power usage effectiveness (PUE, a ratio of total site power and IT power) has trended sideways in recent years. Since 2020, it has been stuck in the 1.55 to 1.59 band. Even going back […]
Global PUEs — are they going anywhere? - Uptime Institute Blog
Page produit Diag Ecoconception
Page produit Diag Ecoconception
Améliorez l’impact de vos produits et services, et grâce à l’écoconception, améliorez la performance environnementale de vos produits et services
Page produit Diag Ecoconception
La toolbox éco-conception
La toolbox éco-conception
Tout ce qu’il te faut pour penser et construire des produits qui claquent tout en faisant du bien à la planète (nos conseils en plus) 💪🏼 Quand on pense éco-conception, on a tendance à considérer seulement quelques aspect dans nos réflexions : la taille des fichiers, la sobriété, l’accessibilité, on segmente entre le produit et le design. Pourtant c’est une ✨vision globale✨. Toutes ces actions à prendre en compte c’est :
La toolbox éco-conception
Sustainability: attribution or consequence? - Digital TV Europe
Sustainability: attribution or consequence? - Digital TV Europe
For those of you just joining us, this is episode two of a series of articles looking at sustainability in our industry. Episode 1 introduced Greening of Streaming and gave some scene-setting context touching on the high-level issues and the ‘neither tree hugger nor climate change denier’ positioning of the organisation. The key takeaway should […]
Sustainability: attribution or consequence? - Digital TV Europe
Website Carbon Calculator Demo -
Website Carbon Calculator Demo -
Try the demo of our website carbon calculator on one of your webpages and measure how eco-sustainable your website is
Website Carbon Calculator Demo -
Comment passer du DevOps au DevGreenOps ? - Greenspector
Comment passer du DevOps au DevGreenOps ? - Greenspector
Reading Time: 15 minutes Comment passer du DevOps au DevGreenOps ? Résumé La transition du DevOps au DevGreenOps semble indispensable pour répondre au challenge majeur qu’est la réduction de l’impact environnemental du numérique. C’est la mise en place d’une nouvelle démarche outillée mais aussi un changement de culture.  Dans cet article, nous commencerons par définir ce qu’est le DevGreenOps […]
Comment passer du DevOps au DevGreenOps ? - Greenspector
Counting Carbon: A Survey of Factors Influencing the Emissions of Machine Learning
Counting Carbon: A Survey of Factors Influencing the Emissions of Machine Learning
Machine learning (ML) requires using energy to carry out computations during the model training process. The generation of this energy comes with an environmental cost in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, depending on…
Counting Carbon: A Survey of Factors Influencing the Emissions of Machine Learning
The Carbon Conundrum and Ethical Quandaries in the Expanding Realm of AI
The Carbon Conundrum and Ethical Quandaries in the Expanding Realm of AI
In this blog, we'll provide a summary of the key messages and concepts shared in Abhishek Gupta’s latest article on The Imperative for Sustainable AI Systems, published on The Gradient.
The Carbon Conundrum and Ethical Quandaries in the Expanding Realm of AI
Sprout* is a no-code website builder that helps you effortlessly create websites that emit 99% less CO2 in minutes
Comment communiquer efficacement sur sa démarche web éco-responsable ?
Comment communiquer efficacement sur sa démarche web éco-responsable ?
Pour valoriser sa démarche web éco-responsable, qui sont les acteurs sur lesquels s’appuyer ? Quels outils, scores et labels en éco-conception web ? Comment éviter le greenwashing ?
Comment communiquer efficacement sur sa démarche web éco-responsable ?