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Learn Green Graphic Design
Learn Green Graphic Design
Our sustainable design course teaches you how to be an ethical, eco-friendly designer.
Learn Green Graphic Design
Harmonising Language Use for Sustainability Approaches in Digital Advertising: Recommendations from IAB Europe’s Sustainability Standards Committee - IAB Europe
Harmonising Language Use for Sustainability Approaches in Digital Advertising: Recommendations from IAB Europe’s Sustainability Standards Committee - IAB Europe
The IAB Europe Sustainability Standards Committee, which acts as a vehicle for discourse between members from across the digital advertising ecosystem, aims to share guidance that will support and strengthen the industry’s approach to sustainability. As such, the Committee shares the following recommendations when it comes to language use: 1.…
Harmonising Language Use for Sustainability Approaches in Digital Advertising: Recommendations from IAB Europe’s Sustainability Standards Committee - IAB Europe
Déclaration d’écoconception | TeleCoop
Déclaration d’écoconception | TeleCoop
Découvrez nos forfaits mobiles 100 % transparents et sans engagement. Contrôlez votre consommation, vos usages et votre impact sur l’environnement !
Déclaration d’écoconception | TeleCoop
Comment Fruggr évalue les impacts environnementaux des services numériques ?
Comment Fruggr évalue les impacts environnementaux des services numériques ?
L’objectif de cet article est de vous partager en toute transparence notre méthode d’évaluation des impacts environnementaux, résultante de nombreux mois de travail tant par notre équipe Recherche & Innovation que notre équipe de développement.
Comment Fruggr évalue les impacts environnementaux des services numériques ?
GreenTech Forum | Média
GreenTech Forum | Média
Découvrez l'actualité de GreenTech Forum à travers des interviews des participants et des comptes-rendus des conférences et ateliers. Le rdv Numérique et Environnement !
GreenTech Forum | Média
Ecological Impact of Native versus Cross-Platform Mobile Apps: a Preliminary Study
Ecological Impact of Native versus Cross-Platform Mobile Apps: a Preliminary Study
What are the best mobile development approaches to cut the carbon footprint? To answer this question, this experience paper provides a life-size comparison of native versus crossplatform frameworks prevailing in the mobile software industry at the time of writing, namely Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile, React Native and Flutter. To do this, we collected metrics related to the package size, network traffic and battery drain issued by a boilerplate application developed following the different approaches. Our preliminary findings tend to show that the crossplatform solutions perform quite well.
Ecological Impact of Native versus Cross-Platform Mobile Apps: a Preliminary Study
kube-green documentation
Jeu de l'écoconception 100% anti-greenwashing
Jeu de l'écoconception 100% anti-greenwashing
Répondez à ces 16 questions pour savoir si vous êtes green, super green tout en évitant de tomber dans du greenwashing !
Jeu de l'écoconception 100% anti-greenwashing
Green Coding Berlin - Sustainable Software Engineering
Green Coding Berlin - Sustainable Software Engineering
We are helping developers and companies understand and optimize the carbon emissions of their software and digital infrastructure
Green Coding Berlin - Sustainable Software Engineering - Expert en éco-conception numérique - Expert en éco-conception numérique
Digital Green, agence de communication responsable spécialisée dans le numérique responsable et l'éco-conception numérique.
·· - Expert en éco-conception numérique
What is a Good Digital Carbon Rating?
What is a Good Digital Carbon Rating?
Learn how a digital carbon rating can help your web or marketing team measurably improve website sustainability.
What is a Good Digital Carbon Rating?
Green Code - Exove
Green Code - Exove
The Green Code book offers different solutions for the IT sector to achieve more environmentally friendly operations. Download the book!
Green Code - Exove
Lessons from Lille: Sustainability and DrupalCon
Lessons from Lille: Sustainability and DrupalCon
In October, I was excited to attend DrupalCon Lille. I was giving a talk on accessibility, but was also thrilled to attend three…
Lessons from Lille: Sustainability and DrupalCon
The Green Software Revolution: Sustainable Practices Transforming India's Software Development, with
The Green Software Revolution: Sustainable Practices Transforming India's Software Development, with
In the age of environmental consciousness, the software development landscape is undergoing a profound transformation towards sustainability. This article delves into the green initiatives spearheaded by India's software development industry, shedding light on how these practices are influencing…
The Green Software Revolution: Sustainable Practices Transforming India's Software Development, with
Home - Consequential LCA
Home - Consequential LCA
Consequential Life Cycle Assessment modelling – A collection of best practise LCA examples and open source materials
Home - Consequential LCA
Quelques seuils d'alerte pour la performance web environnementale - Temesis
Quelques seuils d'alerte pour la performance web environnementale - Temesis
D’un projet à un autre, en ma qualité d’analyste de la performance web environnementale, je suis souvent confronté aux mêmes interrogations : Quand faut-il s’alerter ? Quelles …
Quelques seuils d'alerte pour la performance web environnementale - Temesis
CSS Design: Going to Print
CSS Design: Going to Print
Say no to “printer-friendly” versions and yes to printer-specific style sheets. CSS expert Eric Meyer shows how to conceive and design print style sheets that automatically format web c…
CSS Design: Going to Print