Loi 15 novembre2021 Reen réduire empreinte environnementale du numérique | vie-publique.fr
Ecodesign framework english translation by supertanuki · Pull Request #99 · DISIC/MiNumEco
Site web de la mission interministérielle numérique écoresponsable - MiNumEco
GREENER principles for environmentally sustainable computational science
Nature Computational Science - The carbon footprint of computational sciences is substantial, but there is an immense opportunity to lead the way towards sustainable research. In this Perspective...
Evaluating sustainable products. #1: Treecard
Applied lessons in green product design
Green Software: CO2 emissions produced by the software industry, equivalent to those of all air, sea, and rail transport combined
Assessment of the energy footprint of digital actions and services - Publications Office of the EU
Details of the publication
Les Fiches de Bonnes pratiques pour rendre WordPress plus respectueux de l'environnement.
Splendeurs et misères de la mesure | Publications
EcoIndex, Greenspector, Fruggr, Lighthouse, WeNR... les très nombreux outils de mesure d’impact contribuent-ils réellement à une plus grande sobriété numérique ?
Mes démarches - Eco-conception
Les matières de l’immatériel : existe-t-il des risques d’approvisionnement en matières premières pour les entreprises du numérique ?
Carbone 4 est le premier cabinet de conseil spécialisé dans la stratégie carbone.
Référentiel de conformité Sobriété éditoriale | Cyclop Éditorial
Le référentiel de conformité permet d’évaluer la maturité d’un site en sobriété éditoriale. Laissez-vous guider par Cyclop Éditorial
Livre Vert 🌳_compressed.pdf
Écoconception - Celtique ?
Ce site web a été conçu et réalisé en suivant les valeurs d'un projet numérique responsable. Les principes de l'écoconception ont guidé sa conception.
Écoconception d'un site de contenu pour le Musée de Bretagne
Retour d'expérience sur le site « Celtique ? L'expo ».
écoconception mobile : les bonnes pratiques - Green IT
Ce référentiel d'éco-conception pour les applications mobiles propose 42 bonnes pratiques pour Android adaptables à iOS.
Bilan carbone simplifié du service Paylib
Cet article explique comment Publicis Sapient a modélisé l’empreinte carbone du service Paylib afin de prioriser sa démarche…
Post | LinkedIn
\ Transmission \ Comme annoncé hier, voici les supports de mon module sur l’éco-conception numérique : - Session #1 : https://lnkd.in/dc7ASGGR - Session #2 :… | 14 comments on LinkedIn
REPLAY // [WEBINAR] L’éco-conception numérique : cas pratique autour d’un site Internet
Fast-Tracking Green Tech: It Takes an Ecosystem
The window for developing the new technologies needed to slow global warming will soon close. Stakeholder ecosystems can help bring these essential tools to market quickly.
Android: Resource Consumption in Native and Web Applications - FULLTEXT01.pdf
Uncovering the Environmental Impact of Software Life Cycle
The environmental footprint of a software service development may be impacted by several factors, spanning human factors to infrastructure choices. To the best of our knowledge, the state of the art in the domain of environmental footprint fails i) to address the full spectrum of software services life cycle, from design to operation and maintenance and ii) to cover different categories of impacts. In this paper, we therefore introduce a methodology and the associated model to guide the software development ecosystem and their stakeholders in estimating the environmental footprint of their projects along multiple impact categories. This holistic approach delivers actionable insights to identify potential shifting between phases, such as development and usage, but also hotspots among resources consumed to produce and operate software services. We report on a sample case study that emphasizes the importance of development impact on a software life cycle and shows the relative importance of phases, as well as resources consumed.
greenframe-cli/README.md at main · marmelab/greenframe-cli
La sobriété éditoriale de Ferréole Lespinasse | Sobriété Durable
5 open source tips to reduce waste in web design
Achieve zero waste web design with these open source tools and tips.
Make your technology sustainable
Increase sustainability throughout the lifecycle of your technology.
Is the metaverse really the future we want?
There’s been a lot of hype about the metaverse in the past few months since Facebook rebranded its parent company as Meta and announced that it was becoming a metaverse company. When I’m giving presentations about the future of the internet and sustainability these days, the metaverse is increasingly a topic that the audience wants […]
Greener Design - ClimateAction.tech
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Introduction · HonKit
Bitcoin energy consumption 2023 | Statista
The average energy consumption for one single Bitcoin transaction in 2023 could equal several hundreds of thousands of VISA card transactions.