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Power consumption of JPEG, WebP, and AVIF
Power consumption of JPEG, WebP, and AVIF
How much power does loading a JPEG, WebP, and AVIF image consumer on a user's device? In this post, I've used the Firefox Profiler to run some unscientific tests in the hopes of finding out.
Power consumption of JPEG, WebP, and AVIF
Comment concevoir des sites et applications moins énergivores : un expert répond
Comment concevoir des sites et applications moins énergivores : un expert répond
Rendre Internet plus éco-responsable, c’est prendre en compte l’impact environnemental des sites et applications mobiles dès leur conception. Expert en numérique responsable chez Greenspector - une entreprise qui aide les organisations à réduire l’impact environnemental de leurs sites et applications -, Laurent Devernay dresse un panorama des bonnes pratiques pour rendre nos sites et applications plus responsables.
Comment concevoir des sites et applications moins énergivores : un expert répond
Is carbon the right metric for developers to optimize?
Is carbon the right metric for developers to optimize?
Developers need metrics that are consistent and easy to optimize, but carbon intensity varies in time and space. So when is it a useful metric for developers to consider?
Is carbon the right metric for developers to optimize?
Awareness Grows – “Weightless” Virtual World has a Mass
Awareness Grows – “Weightless” Virtual World has a Mass
In the early history of particle physics, the neutrino was proposed by Wolfgang Pauli in 1930. At the time, nobody thought this particle had a mass – it was just “spin.” Imagine a…
Awareness Grows – “Weightless” Virtual World has a Mass
Metal-lifespan analysis shows scale of waste
Metal-lifespan analysis shows scale of waste
Mining metals has a rising environmental cost. But high losses and low recycling rates mean that many last only a short time.
Metal-lifespan analysis shows scale of waste
Argos: Comparing the Energy Consumption of Two Web Stacks
Argos: Comparing the Energy Consumption of Two Web Stacks
Does an app in Node.js/Rails consume more energy than the same app in Vanilla.js+WebComponents/React.js? We've used Argos, our energy footprint calculator, to find out.
Argos: Comparing the Energy Consumption of Two Web Stacks
What is Your Data Disposal Strategy?
What is Your Data Disposal Strategy?
In this post, Mightybytes discusses the importance of managing data and adopting a data disposal policy for a sustainable data strategy.
What is Your Data Disposal Strategy?
Is Net Zero the finish line?
Is Net Zero the finish line?
I've always had a pretty simple success criteria for myself as a human, and for Wholegrain Digital as a business. Success for me means that the world is better off because we exist. If successful, whatever resources we take or harm we do will be outweighed by the contributions we make.
Is Net Zero the finish line?
Visualizing the Critical Metals in a Smartphone
Visualizing the Critical Metals in a Smartphone
Smartphones can contain ~80% of the stable elements on the periodic table. This graphic details the critical metals you carry in your pocket.
Visualizing the Critical Metals in a Smartphone
La dimension environnementale en Design de Service (1/3)
La dimension environnementale en Design de Service (1/3)
De la trinité du design au diagramme de design éco-responsable, découvrez comment l'évolution de ce modèle fondamental peut rediriger le design de services
La dimension environnementale en Design de Service (1/3)
How can green businesses avoid greenwashing?
How can green businesses avoid greenwashing?
Volkswagen make clean diesel engines. Like really clean diesel. Or so they claimed. Their Clean Diesel technology was a key selling feature of some of their most popular vehicles. Then in 2015, it all fell apart when the US Environmental Protection Agency found that real world NOx emissions from their vehicles were forty times higher than in laboratory tests. To make it worse, this was not an accident. Volkswagen had programmed their engine management system to identify when a vehicle was going through an emissions test and modify engine performance to reduce emissions during the testing cycle. This was not only misleading, it was illegal. The deception affected 11 million cars worldwide and became known as the Dieselgate scandal, probably the best known example of corporate greenwashing.
How can green businesses avoid greenwashing?
Réduire la taille des packages et mises à jour
Réduire la taille des packages et mises à jour
Constat : avec l’âge nos applications prennent du poidsAvec l’accroissement des possibilités de stockage offertes par les smartphones et l’augmentation de la bande passante disponible, nos apps n’ont cessé de “prendre du poids” au cours du temps.
Réduire la taille des packages et mises à jour
Invest in accessibility training
Invest in accessibility training
CivicActions Accessibility site is an open project for our team members and those who work for digital inclusion.
Invest in accessibility training
Vers des Logiciels Éco-responsables
Vers des Logiciels Éco-responsables
Depuis son origine, le génie logiciel s’est attaché à élaborer des méthodes, concepts et outils pour réduire significativement les coûts liés au développement (maintenance, réutilisation...) des logiciels, garantir leur intégrité, fiabilité... Cependant, pour relever le défi de la transition écologique, une nouvelle préoccupation doit être intégrée dans tous ces artefacts : le coût environnemental. Ainsi, le génie logiciel « éco-responsable » est la branche qui s’intéresse à l’efficience énergétique et à la durabilité des logiciels. Nous dégageons notamment 6 grandes pistes de recherche qui, combinées, peuvent apporter des réponses à la hauteur des enjeux.
Vers des Logiciels Éco-responsables
Submarine Cable Map
Submarine Cable Map
TeleGeography's comprehensive and regularly updated interactive map of the world's major submarine cable systems and landing stations.
Submarine Cable Map
Listes des métaux rares et des terres rares- Lingot Swiss
Listes des métaux rares et des terres rares- Lingot Swiss
Listes des métaux rares et des terres rares. Classification en fonction de leurs rareté et leurs réserves estimé, les métaux rares (Or, Argent) mais aussi les terres rares (Antimoine, graphite...)
Listes des métaux rares et des terres rares- Lingot Swiss