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Carbon-aware computing: Measuring and reducing the carbon footprint associated with software in execution - Microsoft Switzerland News Center
Carbon-aware computing: Measuring and reducing the carbon footprint associated with software in execution - Microsoft Switzerland News Center
Green software is software designed and implemented to have the lowest possible carbon emissions. The Green Software Foundation (GSF) is a cross-industry consortium that is building a trusted ecosystem of people, standards, tooling and best practices for Green Software.  A foundational principle of Green Software is known as carbon-aware computing, which involves shifting compute to […]
Carbon-aware computing: Measuring and reducing the carbon footprint associated with software in execution - Microsoft Switzerland News Center
Comment optimiser les images pour l’éco-conception web ?
Comment optimiser les images pour l’éco-conception web ?
Le poids moyen des médias sur une page web représente jusqu'à 60% du poids total. Pour l'éco-conception web, il est nécessaire d'optimiser les images.
Comment optimiser les images pour l’éco-conception web ?
50 conseils de Pro pour l'éco-conception web ! EcoWebScore ©
50 conseils de Pro pour l'éco-conception web ! EcoWebScore ©
On aurait pu les appeler les "50 conseils d'éco-conception web pour les nuls", mais comme l'information est plutôt accessible, ce sera "50 conseils de Pro"
50 conseils de Pro pour l'éco-conception web ! EcoWebScore ©
Tega Brain – The environment is not a system
Tega Brain – The environment is not a system
“It can be dangerous to assume that more data just equals more reality.”"Can AI open up new possibilities for thinking about intelligence and automation?"...
Tega Brain – The environment is not a system
Pourquoi change-t-on de smartphone ? - Green IT
Pourquoi change-t-on de smartphone ? - Green IT
Essentiellement parce que la matériel est abimé (écran) ou usé (batterie) ou que le système d’exploitation n’est plus mis à jour.
Pourquoi change-t-on de smartphone ? - Green IT
New Online course on Digital4Sustainability by UNEP and the UN System Staff College now open
New Online course on Digital4Sustainability by UNEP and the UN System Staff College now open
Introduction  We live in a technologically advanced world, spending more than a third of our lives in front of a screen, connected with people and places across the planet - witnesses to the escalating catastrophes caused by environmental degradation and wealth inequality. Despite the power technology affords us, despite the heatwaves and hurricanes, and despite the growing alarm, we are not yet harnessing the full potential of digital technologies to make our world more sustainable, equitable and peaceful. Governments, businesses, civil society, and individuals have choices to make in harnessing and managing new technologies to safeguard the environment and human freedoms.      The Digital4Sustainability E-Learning Path explores the transformational role digital solutions and innovations can play in advancing environmental and social sustainability. In particular, how can the green transition be powered by digital technologies, and how can the digital transition be green ?    Target Audience  The Digital4Sustainability Learning Path is open to anyone who is curious to explore the answers to “what is the role digital technologies can play in advancing sustainable outcomes and what steps will be needed to get us there?”     Objectives  Upon successful completion of the learning path, participants will understand:    Key concepts, including digitalization, digital transformation, and digital sustainability  The role of digital transformation in countering the triple planetary crisis of climate change, nature loss and pollution   How to leverage the potential of digital transformation in advancing sustainability using a systems approach   The negative impacts of digital transformation and how to mitigate them to ensure it is inherently sustainable.    Methodology  There are four modules in this course which will be released successively during 2022-2023:  Module 1: An Introduction to Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development (now open)   Module 2: Digital Sustainability for Climate Action (releasing spring 2023)  Module 3: Digital Sustainability for Nature Protection (releasing summer 2023)  Module 4: Digital Sustainability for Pollution Prevention (releasing fall 2023)  Each module requires 3-4 hours of time and can be completed asynchronously following a self-paced learning method.  Participants will receive a certificate of completion from the UN System Staff College and the UN Environment Programme for each module they complete.    Enrollment and cost of participation  The Digital Sustainability Learning Path is free of charge. However, the number of places is limited so it is important enroll as soon as possible. Sign-up here:   Collaborators  The Digital4Sustainability Learning pathway has been developed through a joint partnership by UNEP and the UN System Staff College (UNSSC) in collaboration with GIZ, the EU, the Coalition for (Digital Environmental Sustainability (CODES) and the Office of the UN Technology Envoy. The content has been inspired by the CODES Action Plan for a Sustainable Planet in the Digital Age.
New Online course on Digital4Sustainability by UNEP and the UN System Staff College now open
Les APIs numériquement responsables - Collectif API Thinking
Les APIs numériquement responsables - Collectif API Thinking
Leader du chantier Yannick Tremblais API & Exchange Product Manager Le label “API Green Score” La Grille Télécharger Le Guide Télécharger Les objectifs du chantier Comprendre et connaître les problématiques liées au green IT dans les APIs Établir des bonnes pratiques à travers un livrable Les participants au chantier
Les APIs numériquement responsables - Collectif API Thinking
Green APIs Promote Sustainability and Climate Action | Nordic APIs |
Green APIs Promote Sustainability and Climate Action | Nordic APIs |
A green Internet fueled by renewable energy is the future. We discover green APIs that developers can incorporate into apps to promote sustainability to help curb negative environmental effects, from a global perspective to an individual consumer level.
Green APIs Promote Sustainability and Climate Action | Nordic APIs |
Checking where website requests come from with ReqCheck
Checking where website requests come from with ReqCheck
ReqCheck is a tool I’ve built to help folks find out where all the different requests made by a web page are served from. I’m hoping it can be a tool for both web sustainability and web performance folks to use when auditing websites.
Checking where website requests come from with ReqCheck
Sandra Pallier How to design a green website.pptx
Sandra Pallier How to design a green website.pptx
How to design a green website digital product Hey everyone, I’m Sandra – my pronouns are she/her. I’m a co-organiser of the community and I work as a designer at Microsoft where most recently I’ve been working with a team of volunteers across the company to define some green de...
Sandra Pallier How to design a green website.pptx
Green Software Practitioner
Green Software Practitioner
An online open-source database of green software patterns reviewed and curated by the Green Software Foundation
Green Software Practitioner
Adora-Foundation/awesome-green-extensions: A list of climate friendly extensions that can help you reduce the carbon footprint of your internet consumption
Adora-Foundation/awesome-green-extensions: A list of climate friendly extensions that can help you reduce the carbon footprint of your internet consumption
A list of climate friendly extensions that can help you reduce the carbon footprint of your internet consumption - Adora-Foundation/awesome-green-extensions: A list of climate friendly extensions t...
Adora-Foundation/awesome-green-extensions: A list of climate friendly extensions that can help you reduce the carbon footprint of your internet consumption
Sustainable Digital Design
Sustainable Digital Design
Sustainable Digital Design is an environmentally conscious platform with the goal to minimise our digital carbon footprint.
Sustainable Digital Design