MiXiT - Talk Pour une écologie décoloniale du numérique
Liens Nature
[Web-Facing Change PSA] A better web font compression format: WOFF 2.0
Le numérique n’est plus ce qu’il était - OCTO Talks !
Les limites planétaires nous imposeront, de gré ou de force, à renoncer à certains produits, fonctionnalités, usages du numérique. Venez explorer une façon de s'y mettre au plus tôt ! Dans le même temps, le numérique a des atouts pour le monde de demain, et ce ne sont peut-être pas ceux auxquels vous pensiez, venez les découvrir !
Revealed: more than 90% of rainforest carbon offsets by biggest certifier are worthless, analysis shows
Investigation into Verra carbon standard finds most are ‘phantom credits’ and may worsen global heating
DePaul University
Here's how Chicago digital agency Mightybytes helped DePaul University achieve long-term, sustainable growth and meet business and marketing goals.
Enquête annuelle "Pour un numérique soutenable" - édition 2023 | Arcep
HTTP Response Header Field: Carbon-Emissions-Scope-2
This document defines the "Carbon-Emissions-Scope-2" HTTP response
header field for reporting the amount of carbon emissions associated
with processing a given HTTP request, as calculated according to the
Scope 2 protocol outlined in ISO 14064-1:2006.
Training ChatGPT Required Enough Water to Fill a Nuclear Cooling Tower
An average user’s conversational exchange with ChatGPT amounts to dumping a large bottle of fresh water out on the ground, new research says.
Déclaration d'écoconception
MiNumEco, la mission interministérielle numérique écoresponsable pilotée par la DINUM et le Ministère de la Transition écologique pour réduire les impacts environnementaux du numérique
Bot traffic: What it is and why you should care about it
What do you know about bot traffic? Do you know that it affects the environment too? Read on to learn why you should care about bot traffic!
6 steps to reduce the carbon footprint of your website
Let's prioritize web sustainability and work together to create a more sustainable digital future.
Comprendre les différences méthodologiques dans la mesure de l’impact environnemental du numérique : le comité d’experts technique piloté par l’Arcep et l’ADEME publie son premier rapport
Comment Bruxelles Environnement a conçu un site internet plus durable et plus écologique ? | Citoyen - Bruxelles Environnement
10 points sur les métaux stratégiques | Le Grand Continent
Dans les technologies à même d'assurer la transition énergétique, les matériaux critiques jouent un rôle clef. À l'heure où l'Europe cherche à réduire sa dépendance envers les chaînes de valeur étrangères, pourquoi ces métaux catalysent-ils toutes les tensions ? Retour en 10 points synthétiques sur ces ressources au cœur de l'affrontement des capitalismes politiques.
Does Dark Mode Make Batteries Last Longer?
Dark mode is often recommended as a way to conserve battery on devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops. But can it really increase the battery backup of your mobile device? Here’s everything you need to know.
EcoSend — The Climate-Concious Email Marketing Platform
EcoSend is a world class email marketing platform that both reduces and offsets the carbon emissions of the emails you send. Start sending better emails today!
Shared compression dictionary: the web's new frontier
Thoughts on the new Brotli-based shared dictionary initative for the web
Climate change hotspots and implications for the global subsea telecommunications network
A global network of subsea telecommunications cables underpins our daily lives, enabling 95% of global digital data transfer, $trillions/day in finan…
green-code-initiative/ecoCode-mobile: Reduce the environmental footprint of your mobile apps with SonarQube
Reduce the environmental footprint of your mobile apps with SonarQube - green-code-initiative/ecoCode-mobile: Reduce the environmental footprint of your mobile apps with SonarQube
AI and the Challenge of Sustainability: The SustAIn Magazine’s new edition - AlgorithmWatch
In the second issue of our SustAIn Magazine, we show what prevents AI systems from being sustainable and how to find better solutions.
SUX – The Sustainable UX Playbook
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EcoCards - jeu de cartes d'écoconception web / web ecodesign card game | Figma Community
Figma Community file - A card game to discover and apply eco friendly design recommendations. Don't hesitate to send us your feedback
Sustainable UX Design's The Sustainable UX Design Toolkit template | Miroverse
Discover how Sustainable UX Design does The Sustainable UX Design Toolkit in Miro with Miroverse, the Miro Community Templates Gallery. View Sustainable UX Design's Miro templates.
Sustainability Kit for digital designers | Figma Community
Figma Community file - Introduction
Designers contributed to shaping the world as we know it today, so the designer has the responsibility to do their part to fix it. How can we design for the user without losing sight of the entire ecosystem he's part of? How can we create something valuable for the user without forge...