Found 67 bookmarks
OneFlow – a Git branching model and workflow | End of Line Blog
OneFlow – a Git branching model and workflow | End of Line Blog
In the 'GitFlow considered harmful' article, I outlined an alternative Git versioning workflow that I successfully used throughout my career. Now, almost 2 years after publishing that post, I'm presenting a fully fledged and detailed description of that branching model, called OneFlow.
OneFlow – a Git branching model and workflow | End of Line Blog
Git from Beginner to Advanced - MadeByMike
Git from Beginner to Advanced - MadeByMike
Getting comfortable with Git took me a long time. I thought I'd write a quick guide that assumes no prior knowledge, along with some of my favourite tips and tricks.
Git from Beginner to Advanced - MadeByMike
A better git log (Example)
A better git log (Example)
A protip by filipekiss about color, aliases, log, alias, and git.
A better git log (Example)
Git Explorer
Git Explorer
GitExplorer: Find the right git commands you need without digging through the web
Git Explorer
Apprenez le versioning de code avec Git – Buzut
Apprenez le versioning de code avec Git – Buzut
Git est l'outil indispensable du développeur. Des opérations courantes aux plus puissantes, apprenons à utiliser Git efficacement.
Apprenez le versioning de code avec Git – Buzut
Git How To: Guided Git Tutorial
Git How To: Guided Git Tutorial
Git How To is a guided tour that walks through the fundamentals of Git, inspired by the premise that to know a thing is to do it. The surest path to mastering Git is to immerse oneself in its utilities and operations, to experience it first-hand.
Git How To: Guided Git Tutorial
Codeberg is founded as a Non-Profit Organization, with the objective to give the Open-Source code that is running our world a safe and friendly home, and to ensure that free code remains free and secure forever.
The History of Git: The Road to Domination
The History of Git: The Road to Domination
Discover the history of Git, based on interviews with Linus Torvalds, Johannes Schindelin, Jeff King and Tom Preston-Werner.
The History of Git: The Road to Domination
Git Flow Example. Contribute to nahidulhasan/git-flow-example development by creating an account on GitHub.
Git Immersion
Git Immersion
A guided tour that walks through the fundamentals of Git
Git Immersion
terminal game to test git skills. Contribute to git-game/git-game development by creating an account on GitHub.
:octocat: personal website + blog for every github user - imfunniee/gitfolio