Learn to change history with git rebase!
Visualizing Git
git-flow cheatsheet
Flight rules for git. Contribute to k88hudson/git-flight-rules development by creating an account on GitHub.
New zine: Oh shit, git! - Julia Evans
New zine: Oh shit, git!
Comment j'utilise Git ? Mes astuces et bonnes pratiques ! - Guillaume Brida
Ce blog est à propos des nouvelles technologies, de mes humeurs, de développement Web, de photos... En bref, de tout ce dont j'ai envie de parler.
Les bonnes pratiques
Une bonne utilisation de Git repose sur un petit nombre de pratiques à respecter pour s’éviter de facheux désagréments, que ce soit sur le moment ou bien plu...
The Architecture and History of Git
How to teach Git
An alternative way to teach Git
Write yourself a Git!
A successful Git branching model »
In this post I present a Git branching strategy for developing and releasing software as I’ve used it in many of my projects, and which has turned out to be very successful.
Duplicating a repository - User Documentation
Free Git and Github Course | Rithm School
Spend 16 weeks learning JavaScript, Python, and React with up to 18 other students. Learn quickly with experienced instructors. No tuition until you're hired
A Hacker's Guide to Git | Wildly Inaccurate
A Hacker’s Guide to Git is now available as an e-book. You can purchase it on Leanpub. Introduction Git is currently the most widely used version control system in the world, mostly thanks to GitHub. By that measure, I’d argue that it’s also t...
The leading product for integrated software development - GitLab | GitLab
“From project planning and source code management to CI/CD and monitoring, GitLab is a single application for the entire DevOps lifecycle. Only GitLab enables Concurrent DevOps to make the software lifecycle 200% faster.”
Git from the inside out
This essay explains how Git works. (If you’d rather absorb the same information as a talk, you can watch this video instead.)
Little Things I Like to Do with Git – CSS Wizardry – CSS Architecture, Web Performance Optimisation, and more, by Harry Roberts
Git is a bunch of fun
Using git bisect
A real world example of using git bisect to find a bug deep in my application code.
github - Managing multiple people working on a project with GIT - Software Engineering Stack Exchange
I'm very new to GIT/GitHub (as new as starting yesterday). I would like to know what is the best way to manage multiple people working on the same project with Github. Currently I'm managing one pr...
svn - How can two developers work on same file using git - Stack Overflow
I was using SVN last where two developers can work on same file . Suppose A developer edit the on 31 line and Suppose B developer edit the on 35 line. In case of SVN first A developer
Generating a new SSH key and adding it to the ssh-agent - User Documentation
a simple git branching model
a simple git branching model · GitHub
Understanding git for real by exploring the .git directory“Whoah, I’ve just read this quick tuto about git and oh my god it is cool. I feel now super comfortable using it, and I…medium.freecodecamp.or
“Whoah, I’ve just read this quick tuto about git and oh my god it is cool.
Git Tutorial for Beginners 4 Git Concepts and Architecture - YouTube
Stop using `git pull`: A better workflow -
Git Tutorial - Try Git
Lab 1 - Git Immersion - Brought to you by Neo
A guided tour that walks through the fundamentals of Git
Learn Git Branching
An interactive Git visualization tool to educate and challenge!
git-tips/tips: Most commonly used git tips and tricks.
Most commonly used git tips and tricks. Contribute to git-tips/tips development by creating an account on GitHub.