Machine Learning CO2 Impact Calculator
Machine Learning has in impact on our climate. Here's how to estimate your GPU's carbon emissions
Capgemini-Invent-France/CarbonAI: Python package to monitor the power consumption of any algorithm
Python package to monitor the power consumption of any algorithm - Capgemini-Invent-France/CarbonAI: Python package to monitor the power consumption of any algorithm
Neural Networks from Scratch - an interactive guide
An interactive tutorial on neural networks for beginners. Build a neural network step-by-step, or just play with one, no prior knowledge needed.
Unsolved ML Safety Problems
The BAIR Blog
Free 10-Hour Machine Learning Course
Every day more and more use cases are found for machine learning. It is a great field to get into. We just released a 10-hour machine learning course for beginners on the YouTube channel. Ayush Singh developed this course. He is a young data scientist and machine learning
À propos — Labelia (ex Substra Foundation)
Philosophie de l'Intelligence artificielle - Une introduction | April
Black boxes, not green: Mythologizing artificial intelligence and omitting the environment - Benedetta Brevini, 2020
We are repeatedly told that AI will help us to solve some of the world's biggest challenges, from treating chronic diseases and reducing fatality rates in traff...
We read the paper that forced Timnit Gebru out of Google. Here’s what it says.
The company's star ethics researcher highlighted the risks of large language models, which are key to Google's business.
Learn the Basics of Data Science in this Hands-On Course
One of the highest paying job titles in America is "Data Scientist". If you know about data science, it could open up a lot of career opportunities. We've released a hands-on course on the YouTube channel that will teach you the basics of data science. The course will
TinyML Book
Visit the post for more.
How to put machine learning models into production
The goal of building a machine learning model is to solve a problem, and a machine learning model can only do so when it is in production and actively in use by consumers. As such, model deployment is as important as model building.
The Carbon Footprint Of AI
The carbon footprint of AI is increasing exponentially. Bigger models requiring ever more data contribute toward 'RedAI' - we need a new approach
Impact environnemental de l’IA – EcoInfo
JavaScript for Data Science
Antibes publie l'inventaire de ses algorithmes
La ville d'Antibes a publié une première version de l'inventaire de ses algorithmes et a présenté la démarche permettant de le constituer à l'occasion d'une rencontre organisée par Etalab sur ...
AI Computing Emits CO₂. We Started Measuring How Much.
It can be hard to appreciate just how much our modern world depends on vast amounts of computing power. Data and algorithms are…
Learn Intro to AI Ethics Tutorials
Explore practical tools to guide the moral design of AI systems.
Pourquoi j'ai quitté «le job le plus sexy du XXIè siècle»
Romain Boucher est un ingénieur diplômé de l’École des Mines et d'un master en maths appliquées et statistiques. Il s'est spécialisé en sciences des données avant de rejoindre le cabinet Sia Partners comme data scientist. Après 3 ans de missions dans l'énergie et le secteur public, il démissionne pour mieux dénoncer le rôle du numérique, du big data et de l'IA dans le ravage écologique et social.
A disturbing, viral Twitter thread reveals how AI-powered insurance can go wrong
Lemonade tweeted about what it means to be an AI-first insurance company. It left a sour taste in many customers’ mouths.
Don't End Up on This Artificial Intelligence Hall of Shame
A list of incidents that caused, or nearly caused, harm aims to prompt developers to think more carefully about the tech they create.
The Flemish Scrollers, 2021
How does it work? Every meeting of the flemish government in Belgium is live streamed on a youtube channel. When a livestream starts the software is searching for phones and tries to identify a distracted politician. This is done with the help of AI and face recognition. The video of the distracted politician are then…
microsoft/ML-For-Beginners: 12 weeks, 25 lessons, 50 quizzes, classic Machine Learning for all
12 weeks, 25 lessons, 50 quizzes, classic Machine Learning for all - microsoft/ML-For-Beginners: 12 weeks, 25 lessons, 50 quizzes, classic Machine Learning for all
Identifier les principes et pratiques d’une IA responsable - Learn
Il est impératif de réfléchir aux implications de l’IA dans l’entreprise. Découvrez les directives de Microsoft pour définir des principes et un modèle de gouvernance dans votre entreprise.
Objectif IA : initiez-vous à l'intelligence artificielle
Vous découvrirez ce que recouvre vraiment l'intelligence artificielle ! Ses enjeux, ses possibilités, son fonctionnement scientifique ainsi que ses sous-disciplines, comme le Machine Learning et le Deep Learning.
Top 50 Use Cases of Artificial Intelligence in Diverse Sectors
Over the past two decades, artificial intelligence has created an irreplaceable spot in humans’ daily life. The use cases of artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, etc. are unravelling big benefits in diverse industries.