Rediscovering the Small Web
Bored during quarantine? Here are 100+ things to do online
Life right now is largely online. Here's how to make the most of it.
Introducing Web Vitals: essential metrics for a healthy site
Optimizing for quality of user experience is key to the long-term success of any site on the web. Through our ongoing engagement and coll...
Killed by Google
Killed by Google is the open source list of dead Google products, services, and devices. It serves as a tribute and memorial of beloved services and products killed by Google.
Controverse de la 5g
Things you can do with a browser in 2020 ☕️. Contribute to luruke/browser-2020 development by creating an account on GitHub.
Welcome to Botnet, Where Everyone’s an Influencer
A social network populated entirely by adoring bots aims to mimic the experience of being a celebrity online—trolls not included.
What Is the Most Valuable Thing You Can Learn in One Hour?
Ouverture du MOOC CHATONS : Internet, pourquoi et comment reprendre le contrôle
The Deep Sea
Scroll down the deep sea in this interactive page.
The Google Squeeze
Google, the real Aggregator, is squeezing OTAs, which acted like Aggregators while depending on Google for demand. It’s easy to say Google is being unfair, but this may be better for consumer…
BBC Wales 🏴 sur Twitter : "Wasn't the internet supposed to make things easier? 😂"
Wasn't the internet supposed to make things easier? 😂— BBC Wales 🏴 (@BBCWales) January 11, 2020
Pwnie Awards
Every 60 seconds on China social media
Kantar Media CIC released the 'Every 60 Seconds in China' infographic in Shanghai last week to provide an overall understanding of the massive volume of China social media activities. The “Every 60 seconds in China” infographic highlights the enormous data generated every minute in the age of Big Data.
Ushahidi is an open source service that tracks voices of protest by curating and contextualizing valuable data, such as eyewitness videos, photos, and reports as a means to facilitate awareness regarding current social justice movements worldwide.
Wait But Why
A popular long-form, stick-figure-illustrated blog about almost everything.
The HTTP Archive website hosted on App Engine. Contribute to HTTPArchive/ development by creating an account on GitHub.
The 2019 Web Almanac
The Web Almanac is an annual state of the web report combining the expertise of the web community with the data and trends of the HTTP Archive.
State of the Web | 2019_10_01
An Illustrated Guide to OAuth and OpenID Connect
An illustrated guide to explain OAuth and OpenID Connect!
Global social media research summary 2019
Looking for social media stats? Our global compilation of social network findings shows you the latest consumer adoption and usage figures.
The Lines of Code That Changed Everything
Apollo 11, the JPEG, and yes, even the Roomba.
Personal sites are awesome
Personal sites are awesome, so this site was built so we can all discover each others. This directory of links are by folks that want to share their site with the world.
Popular Search Engines in the 90's: Then and Now
This article harks back to the days of AltaVista, HotBot, and when Ask was still Ask Jeeves. You'll see how the web designs of ubiquitous search engines of the past have evolved through time.
UX Considerations for Web Sharing
From trashy clickbait sites to the most august of publications, share buttons have long been ubiquitous across the web. And yet it is arguable that these
r/dataisbeautiful - Usage Share of Internet Browsers 1996 - 2019 [OC]
67,783 votes and 3,575 comments so far on Reddit
Can I email…
Support tables for HTML and CSS in emails.
StatCounter Global Stats - Browser, OS, Search Engine including Mobile Usage Share
Tracks the Usage Share of Search Engines, Browsers and Operating Systems including Mobile from over 10 billion monthly page views.