Yesterday, I was browsing Reddit. Midway through my feed, I stumbled upon a video from a German TV show, where a 9-year-old girl demonstrated her ability to ...
Media by Date of Obsolescence | Museum of Obsolete Media
This is a list of all the media currently in the collection, by approximate date by which it could be considered to have become obsolete. For lists of when media were introduced, visit the audio…
It is 2023. XHTML is dead and buried. HTML is a "living standard" with billions of users. So what kind of idiot would want to build a website using XML? Me. I am that idiot. Last year, I launched a "web page" which didn't use HTML. Called, appropriately enough, "YOU DON'T NEED HTML!" That (ab)used [...]
Our #DigitalEconomy has experienced several rapid waves of evolution. It began with Dotcom companies, where over exuberance saw fortunes lost when the tech b...
Let's be real, you're going to compare yourself to this and then proceed to contemplate all your life decisions and spiral into depression. (unless you're a recruiter... in which case, I just want you to know that I thrive in inserting generic keywords (like delight and empathy) and ending sentences at the intersection of art and technology.
In the frenzy to attract venture capital funding and draw new users and investors into blockchain technologies, 'how will this technology be used to harass and abuse people?' is going unasked. While blockchain proponents speak about a 'future of the web' based around public ledgers, anonymity, and immutability, those of us who have been harassed online look on in horror as obvious vectors for harassment and abuse are overlooked, if not outright touted as features.