Death to Bullshit
FeMake: The home of data on female makers.
The Cool Club X FWA - 54 Coolest Websites in History
The Cool Club x FWA is a deck of cards displaying the 54 coolest websites in history.
Mozilla Mixed Reality
Mixed Reality for a free and open Web
Into the Personal-Website-Verse
Matthias Ott is an independent user experience designer and developer from Stuttgart, Germany. Besides design practice he teaches Interface Prototyping at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Kiel.
World Internet Users Statistics and 2019 World Population Stats
Internet World Stats, Population and Internet Users in all countries and usage in all regions of the world. The Internet Big Picture.
Web Pages That Suck - learn good web design by looking at bad web design - Home Page
Web Pages That Suck is a web resource where you can learn good web design by looking at bad web design. Features include web design checklists and resources on good web design.
The Web Index | by World Wide Web Foundation
How The Farrago Works
Start Your Own ISP
A practical guide to starting your own Internet Service Provider.
Developers don't understand CORS
The recent Zoom vulnerability is just one of many examples which show us that many developers do not understand how CORS works
Le Mouton Numérique
Le Mouton Numérique éclaire la société qui innove en ouvrant un espace de dialogue entre penseurs et faiseurs des univers numériques.
Graphique : Évolution du Web et des navigateurs
Graphique interactif concernant l'évolution du Web et des navigateurs. Ce graphique présente les principaux navigateurs Web qui sont apparus depuis 1993, tels que Mosaic, Netscape, Opera, Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox et Google Chrome, ainsi que les technologies Web qui ont joué un rôle majeur dans leur développement, telles que HTML, CSS et JavaScript.
Unraveling The JPEG
JPEG images are everywhere in our digital lives, but behind the veil of familiarity lie algorithms that remove details that are imperceptible to the human eye. This produces the highest visual quality with the smallest file size—but what does that look like? Let's see what our eyes can't see!
List of Free Science Books
Here’s an alphabetical list of all available free books. Note that many of the links will bring you to an external page, usually with more info about the book and the download links. Also, th…
The Feynman Lectures on Physics
Internet Live Stats - Internet Usage & Social Media Statistics
Watch the Internet as it grows in real time and monitor social media usage: Internet users, websites, blog posts, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and Pinterest users. Visualize the total number of emails, Google searches, YouTube videos, Tumblr posts, Instagram photos, in 1 second. Historical trends, statistics, infographics and live data visualization
HTTP headers for the responsible developer
Twilio posts cloud communications trends, customer stories, and tips for building scaleable voice and SMS applications with Twilio's APIs.
Liberate Your Device - Free Your Android! - FSFE
Learn how to regain control of your data, with a free operating system and free apps
A Survival Kit For Journalists Of Colour – JSK Class of 2018 – Medium
You left because the editors shut down your pitches. Or because they said yes but never ran those columns, the ones you felt most…
Firefox Reality Developers Guide
Firefox Reality, Mozilla's VR web browser, is getting closer to release; so let's talk about how to make your experiences work well in this new browser. Use a Framework with WebVR 1.1 Support Building WebVR applications from scratch requires using WebGL, which is very low level. Most developers use
Solid - A decentralized web by Tim Berners Lee, creator of the WWW
Solid is a platform, built using the existing web. It gives every user a choice about where data is stored, which specific people and groups can access select elements, and which apps you use.
100 Websites That Shaped The Internet As We Know It
The World Wide Web is officially old enough for us judge what it's produced. That's right, it's time for the world to start building a canon of the most significant websites of all time, and the Gizmodo staff has opinions....
Culture tech - support participants - Google Docs
The Oatmeal - Comics by Matthew Inman
How to Quit Google Completely
Despite all the convenience and quality of Google’s sprawling ecosystem, some users are fed up with the fishy privacy policies the company has recently implemented in Gmail, Chrome, and other services. To its credit, Google has made good changes in response to user feedback, but that doesn’t diminish the company’s looming shadow over the internet at large. If you’re ready to ditch Google, or even just reduce its presence in your digital life, this guide is here to help.
Inside look at modern web browser (part 1) | Web
Learn how browser turn your code into functional website from high-level architecture to the specifics of the rendering pipeline.
Une brève histoire du DOM (jusqu'à React et Redux)
Explication imagée de l'évolution de l'architecture des interfaces des applications web.
So you want your app/website to work in China…
Wait, what do you mean make my app/site work in China? I don’t have to do anything to make my app work in the US or Singapore or Kenya or anywhere else, and I didn’t make the Chinese government angry, so it should just work in China, right? Sadly, it’s not so simple. If your app/website servers aren’t hosted from within China, then, for all intents and purposes, it’s blocked. I mean, it will probably technically load, but will be excruciatingly, unusably slow. And sometimes it will just not load at all for hours at a time. This is true for all services hosted outside of the firewall, even i...