azat-co/50-ts: 50 TypeScript F*ck Ups Book: 50 Subtle Mistakes to Screw Your TypeScript Code, and How to Avoid and Fix Them to Write Extraordinary Software for Web
azat-co/50-ts: 50 TypeScript F*ck Ups Book: 50 Subtle Mistakes to Screw Your TypeScript Code, and How to Avoid and Fix Them to Write Extraordinary Software for Web
50 TypeScript F*ck Ups Book: 50 Subtle Mistakes to Screw Your TypeScript Code, and How to Avoid and Fix Them to Write Extraordinary Software for Web - azat-co/50-ts
azat-co/50-ts: 50 TypeScript F*ck Ups Book: 50 Subtle Mistakes to Screw Your TypeScript Code, and How to Avoid and Fix Them to Write Extraordinary Software for Web
A manifesto for small, static, web apps - Ross Wintle
A manifesto for small, static, web apps - Ross Wintle
I’m having a lot of fun building small, static web apps. And there are certain principles I’m trying to stick to as I do it. Let’s see what they are… What is a manifesto anyway? As I started writing this, I asked myself: “Is this actually a manifesto? What is a manifesto?” But the definition […]
A manifesto for small, static, web apps - Ross Wintle
JavaScript Bloat in 2024
JavaScript Bloat in 2024
What is the average size of JavaScript code downloaded per website? Fuck around and find out!
JavaScript Bloat in 2024
Cassidy Williams – Functional Programming in JavaScript
Cassidy Williams – Functional Programming in JavaScript
Subscribe here: Williams at Everyman Cinema on 5th May, 2022 – All Day Hey 2022JavaScript is a delightfully flexible lang...
Cassidy Williams – Functional Programming in JavaScript
Web Applications 101
Web Applications 101
Everything you need to know about web applications in modern web development. You will learn about traditional websites, full-stack web applications, client-side and server-side rendering/routing, single-page applications, code splitting, APIs, microservices, static site generation ...
Web Applications 101
Tao of Node - Design, Architecture & Best Practices
Tao of Node - Design, Architecture & Best Practices
One of the main benefits of JavaScript is that it runs both in the browser and the server. As an engineer you need to master a single language and your skills…
Tao of Node - Design, Architecture & Best Practices
Responsible JavaScript: Part I
Responsible JavaScript: Part I
The web is drowning in a sea of JavaScript, awash with unnecessary bloat, inaccessible cruft, and unsustainable patterns. Jeremy Wagner plots a course to navigate the JavaScript Sea responsibly by …
Responsible JavaScript: Part I
JavaScript Equality Table Game
JavaScript Equality Table Game
Find out how well you know (or don't know) the JavaScript == operator rules
JavaScript Equality Table Game
JavaScript Obfuscation: The Definitive Guide (2021)
JavaScript Obfuscation: The Definitive Guide (2021)
JavaScript obfuscation is a series of code transformations that make JS extremely hard to understand and reverse-engineer. This guide explores it in-depth.
JavaScript Obfuscation: The Definitive Guide (2021)
How To Build Resilient JavaScript UIs — Smashing Magazine
How To Build Resilient JavaScript UIs — Smashing Magazine
Resilience is intrinsic to the web and therefore us, web developers. This article explores how graceful degradation, defensive coding, observability, and a healthy attitude towards failures better equips us before, during, and after an error occurs.
How To Build Resilient JavaScript UIs — Smashing Magazine
Conformance for Frameworks
Conformance for Frameworks
This article describes Conformance, a methodology used in frameworks within Google, and how we plan on open-sourcing it to the JavaScript framework ecosystem
Conformance for Frameworks
JavaScript image compressor.
JavaScript & Frameworks — Smashing Magazine
JavaScript & Frameworks — Smashing Magazine
React, Vue, or perhaps the lightweight Alpine.js? Whether you are an experienced JavaScript developer working with one of these frameworks, or just starting to learn, our authors have created some tutorials for you.
JavaScript & Frameworks — Smashing Magazine