JS Interview questions
A Homepage for the JavaScript Specification
Ecma TC39 has shipped a website for following updates to the JavaScript specification. It's the first part of a two-part project to help people find the information they need in ...
An Illustrated (and Musical) Guide to Map, Reduce, and Filter Array Methods
Map, reduce, and filter are three very useful array methods in JavaScript that give developers a ton of power in a short amount of space. Let’s jump right
Untrusted - a user javascript adventure game
You don’t need Lodash or How I started loving JavaScript functions
A brief overview of pure replacement functions over Lodash/Underscore.js
CodeGuppy | Coding for kids, teens and creative adults
How to Build a Multiplayer (.io) Web Game, Part 1 - victorzhou.com
A deep dive into the client-side Javascript of an .io game.
Vue Mastery | The Ultimate Learning Resource for Vue.js Developers
Vue Mastery is the ultimate learning resource for Vue.js developers. We release weekly video tutorials and articles as well as the proud producers of the official Vue.js News. You can consume it in newsletter and podcast format at news.vuejs.org.
Comprehensive Guide to JavaScript Design Patterns | Toptal
Design patterns are reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems in software design. Let's take a look at how they work and explore some popular JavaScript design patterns.
JavaScript in 14 minutes by Jeremy Thomas
Learn the basics of JavaScript in 14 minutes with this interactive tutorial! 😃
5 JavaScript Style Guides — Including AirBnB, GitHub, & Google
Learn to code like a Googler
JavaScript unit testing frameworks: Comparing Jasmine, Mocha, AVA, Tape and Jest
every javascript project you should be looking into.
10 Tips for Javascript Debugging Like a PRO with Console
I must admit it for the first time, and I’ll use this platform to clean up the skeletons from my development closet.
JavaScript: Learn Regular Expressions for Beginners
Prettier · Opinionated Code Formatter
Opinionated Code Formatter
azat-co/expressworks: Learn Express.js from the author of one of the best books on Express.js—Pro Express.js— with this workshop that will teach you basics of Express.js.
Learn Express.js from the author of one of the best books on Express.js—Pro Express.js— with this workshop that will teach you basics of Express.js. - azat-co/expressworks
JSHint, a JavaScript Code Quality Tool
Moment.js | Home
JS Demystified 04 — Execution ContextA humble attempt to demystify tricky concepts in JavaScriptcodeburst.io
A humble attempt to demystify tricky concepts in JavaScript
10 JavaScript concepts you need to know for interviewsSelf-Learningcodeburst.io
wearehive/project-guidelinesproject-guidelines - A set of best practices for JavaScript projectsgithub.com
A set of best practices for JavaScript projects. Contribute to elsewhencode/project-guidelines development by creating an account on GitHub.
Ember.js: The Perfect Framework for Web Applications
Ember.js lets you scaffold and build complex frontend web applications quickly. Graham Cox explores this popular, batteries-included JavaScript framework.
The 14 JavaScript debugging tips you probably didn't know | Raygun
You might want to keep these tips and tricks in mind for the next time you find yourself needing to debug your JavaScript code!
10 Need to Know JavaScript Concepts
It's important to learn the JavaScript core language before branching out into the multitude of libraries and frameworks. Let's learn the basics!
I never understood JavaScript closures – DailyJS – Medium
Until someone explained it to me like this …
Dev Tips — Developer Tips by Umar HansaA developer tip, in the form of a gif, in your inbox each week — Made by Umar Hansa (@umaar). — Subscribe to Dev Tips…umaar.com
A developer tip, in the form of a gif, in your inbox each week - Made by Umar Hansa (@umaar). - Subscribe to Dev Tips to get these in your inbox
Tout JavaScript.com - Tutoriaux, Référence du JavaScript et Forums pour devs
Des tutoriaux pour apprendre le JavaScript, Ajax, jQuery et le PHP | Toutes les syntaxes dans la référence du langage JavaScript | Des forums pour discuter entre devs.
JS: The Right Way
A quick reference to best practices for writing JavaScript -- links to code patterns and tutorials from around the web