La vie de développeur

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How I Became a Better Programmer
How I Became a Better Programmer
Several people at React Conf asked me for advice on becoming a better programmer. For some reason, people see me as a pretty advanced programmer worth listening to. I thought it would be worthwhile to write down my "mental model" for how I have approached programming over the years.
How I Became a Better Programmer
💻📖 Laws, Theories, Principles and Patterns that developers will find useful. #hackerlaws - dwmkerr/hacker-laws
L’ingénieur « éthique » sera politisé, ou ne sera pas
L’ingénieur « éthique » sera politisé, ou ne sera pas
Au sein de la société civile comme dans les rangs des ingénieurs, de vieilles questions refont surface. Qu’est-ce qu’une entreprise éthique ? Avec leur ouvrage Quelle éthique pour l’ingénieur, les chercheuses Laure Flandrin et Fanny Verrax nous éclairent. Elles livrent une analyse sérieuse et documentée sur l’éthique de l’ingénieur, ses enjeux et conditions de possibilité.
L’ingénieur « éthique » sera politisé, ou ne sera pas
How to do a code review
How to do a code review
Google’s Engineering Practices documentation
How to do a code review
Developers mentoring other developers: practices I've seen work well
Developers mentoring other developers: practices I've seen work well
How does mentoring work? I asked this question ten years into my software engineering career when I joined Uber. Until then, I've never received or done mentoring, or at least never put this label on any activity I've done before. Uber, however, had an official mentoring program. Almost every engineer I met had a mentor. Mentorship is an expectation for senior and above engineers, it being listed in our engineering competencies. Since working here, I've been mentored, been a mentor, and have ob
Developers mentoring other developers: practices I've seen work well
Top 45 Best Comments In Source Code I Ever Encountered
Top 45 Best Comments In Source Code I Ever Encountered
In computer programming, a comment is a programmer-readable explanation or annotation in the source code of a computer program. They are added with the purpose of making the source code easier for humans to understand, and are generally ignored by compilers and interpreters. The syntax of comments in various programming languages varies considerably. Comments are […]
Top 45 Best Comments In Source Code I Ever Encountered
How to succeed as a poor programmer
How to succeed as a poor programmer
In a previous post I outlined why programmers should strive to be good at one thing rather than everything. In this post I discuss how to ...
How to succeed as a poor programmer
Having the guts to say no to bad money
Having the guts to say no to bad money
Sometimes life forces us to choose between doing the right thing and doing the profitable thing. Tom Greenwood explains how it is these choices that help us learn who we really are.
Having the guts to say no to bad money - geek comic site - geek comic site is a geek comic site. Comics about Programming Languages, Web, Cloud, Linux, etc.
·· - geek comic site
Awesome & interesting talks about programming. Contribute to hellerve/programming-talks development by creating an account on GitHub.
:gem: A curated list of awesome Competitive Programming, Algorithm and Data Structure resources - lnishan/awesome-competitive-programming
Conseils pour développeur(euse) junior
Conseils pour développeur(euse) junior
Les développeur(euse)s junior sont ceux qui prennent le plus cher. Et pourtant y'a des choses simples à savoir pour limiter la casse.
Conseils pour développeur(euse) junior
Update Faker
Update Faker
Prank friends, family or colleagues!
Update Faker
1x Engineer
1x Engineer
The official website of 1x Engineers around the world.
1x Engineer
Static web - back to the roots?
Static web - back to the roots?
Exploring the shift back to static site generators to sanitize web development practices
Static web - back to the roots?
The Web Project Guide
The Web Project Guide
A phase-by-phase look at the web process from ideation to launch and beyond, providing context to the moving parts of a web project.
The Web Project Guide
PM Starter Pack
PM Starter Pack
Free comprehensive quick start guide with a practical action plan on how to break into product management
PM Starter Pack