Nancy Duarte: The secret structure of great talks | TED Talk
From the "I have a dream" speech to Steve Jobs' iPhone launch, many great talks have a common structure that helps their message resonate with listeners. In this talk, presentation expert Nancy Duarte shares practical lessons on how to make a powerful call-to-action.
Broad Band – What History’s Female Internet Pioneers can Teach us about Tom
Claire Evans, author of Broad Band: The Untold History of the Women who Made the Internet, will share stories about the hardworking women who challenged convention to make key contributions to the history of our century’s most transformative cultural technology—the Internet. As we face issues of privacy, identity, and society in a networked world, we have much to learn from these women, who anticipated the Internet’s greatest problems, faced them, and discovered solutions we can still use today. --------------- Talk & speaker bio:
What's in a Production Web Application? · Stephen Mann
This is the second post in a series. If you want to start from the beginning: Don’t Do This in Production. Early in my career, I worked at a company that built web content management systems. Their product helped marketing departments self-manage their own websites, instead of relying on developers to make every change. This product helped their customers reduce operational expenses, and it helped me learn how to build web applications.
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The developer homepage - join the programming community. Discover front-end news and JavaScript news, with the best stories rising to the top. Get the latest updates on JS, web development, frontend, backend, and programming. Build your skills, reputation, and network with your personal developer homepage and portfolio. Collaborate with other software engineers.
Dean Hume places another log on the fire, sets the poker back on its stand, pulls up and chair and gathers the junior developers around the hearth to impart some wisdom. Whether you’re just starting out or have been in the game some time, we can all benefit from a little levelling up.
35 programming habits that make your code smell | TechBeacon
Here are some of the worst programming practices—not just around code, but around teamwork skills as well. Avoid these missteps to become a better developer.
Why You Need To Do Sh** That Scares You | Nerd Fitness
Greetings from sunny Los Angeles, CA! Today is my first official day of living out of a backpack, as yesterday I took the first of 16 flights on my 35,000 epic quest around the globe. I am effing terrified. I certainly feel like Frodo Baggins, leaving behind the comfort and safety of Bag End and the Shire to go exploring the big and dangerous Middle Earth. Sure, I don't anticipate running into cave trolls, goblins, and orcs (oh my!), but that doesn't mean I can't relate to the little man with furry feet. Like Frodo before the "One Ring" incident, I've spent my life up to this point pretty m...
Which Features Should Not be AddedFor apps made by personal developer, simplicity is of the utmost importance. Unless you are a huge company like Adobe…
✅ Every time you build a to-do list app, a puppy 🐕 dies 😢You know when you’re trying to learn something new, but get reeeeeeallly bored of building the default example app?
You know when you’re trying to learn something new, but get reeeeeeallly bored of building the default example app?
The non-developers guide to handle developersA developer (sometimes also called out nerd) is a really novel species living in offices all over the world. They often…
A developer (sometimes also called out nerd) is a really novel species living in offices all over the world. They often need careful…
Being a Good Programmer Isn’t Just About Writing CodeHow do you imagine the ideal programmer? Is it a computer whiz who has been coding since they were seven years old and…
How do you imagine the ideal programmer? Is it a computer whiz who has been coding since they were seven years old and making million…
Software developers spend 35-50 percent of their time validating and debugging software. The cost of debugging, testing, and verification is estimated to account for 50-75 percent of the total budget of software development projects, amounting to more than $100 billion annually. While tools, languages, and environments have reduced the time spent on individual debugging tasks, they have not significantly reduced the total time spent debugging, nor the cost of doing so. Therefore, a hyperfocus on elimination of bugs during development is counterproductive; programmers should instead embrace ...
The egoless programmer | 8th LightIf you want to be successful at writing code, then you’d best keep your ego out of it. That’s the essence of egoless…
If you want to be successful at writing code, then you’d best keep your ego out of it. That’s the essence of egoless programming, a concept first written about by the legendary author Gerald M....