No Silver Bullet – Essence and Accident in Software Engineering
La vie de développeur
Survival Guide for Junior Developers – Learning New Stuff – Medium
In 2015 I started my first job as a developer, after having spent five months turning my coding hobby into a profession.
What it feels like to be in the zone as a programmer — dopeboy —
Home - Learn
Stop building car boats — tech debt 101 – Hacker Noon
Why do smart developers ship bad code?
I Look Like an Engineer - Wikipedia
The I Look Like an Engineer movement was created in August 2015 by software developer Isis Anchalee (formerly Isis Wenger) as a response to the backlash the OneLogin recruitment ad in which she was featured received. The movement aspired to break the stereotypes and promote diversity around unrepresented groups, particularly (Women, POC, and LGBTQ+) within the engineering industry. Its primary tactic is the use of the hashtag #ILookLikeAnEngineer on social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, along with pictures of engineers or engineering students.
re:Work - Unbiasing
re:Work - Making the unconscious conscious will help you make more objective decisions, facilitate inclusive interactions, and create opportunities. Begin unbiasing with education, accountability, measurement, and more.
Le rôle politique des développeurs - Fabrice Epelboin - WEB2DAY 2017 - YouTube
FABRICE EPELBOIN - CO-FOUNDER @YOGOSHA « Il faut garder en tête que l’information, au sens de la donnée brute n’est pas la connaissance, que connaître ne per...
Talk Quelle éthique pour les développeurs ? - MiXiT
How to be a good programmer – codeburst
Resources, tips and guides
Podcast : Le métier de développeur Web - YouTube
Abonnez-vous à la chaîne ici Un petit tour d'horizon de ce qu'il faut savoir sur le métier de développeur web. 00:30 Les différents pro...
Am I a Real Developer?
Find out if you're a 'REAL' Developer
The 2018 Web Developer Roadmap – codeburst
An illustrated guide to becoming a Frontend or Backend Developer with links to courses
Définitions du développement web : 40 termes à connaître - Blog du Modérateur