Les outils de tests automatiques d’accessibilité ne devraient pas donner de score. - La Lutine du Web
Les outils de tests automatiques d’accessibilité peuvent malheureusement faire mal alors que ce n’est absolument pas le but. Entre les déclarations d’accessibilité affichant un score d’un outil de tests automatiques et les entreprises vendant des prestations d’accessibilité alors qu’elles ne font que vérifier leur travail avec ce genre d’outil sans aller plus loin, on voit vite les travers du score que ces outils affichent. Un court article pour dire ce que j’en pense.
Carbon-aware computing: Measuring and reducing the carbon footprint associated with software in execution - Microsoft Switzerland News Center
Green software is software designed and implemented to have the lowest possible carbon emissions. The Green Software Foundation (GSF) is a cross-industry consortium that is building a trusted ecosystem of people, standards, tooling and best practices for Green Software. A foundational principle of Green Software is known as carbon-aware computing, which involves shifting compute to […]
According to httparchive.org images represent about 43% of the page weight for the median desktop and mobile page. There are many things to consider with images such as using the proper type, serving the appropriate image for the device and situation (srcset or picture), and lossless or loss
Écoconception, cybersécurité et protection des données, quelles synergies ?
La MiNumEco organise des ateliers avec des experts et des agents publics afin d’approfondir certaines thématiques, éclairer des points précis. Cette restitution est le résultat d’un atelier consacré aux convergences entre écoconception, cybersécurité et protection des données.
Initier une démarche numérique responsable dans son organisation | ADN Ouest
La communauté Numérique Responsable sensibilise les professionnels à l’adoption de pratiques numériques plus responsables au sein de leur organisation.
166 Cybersecurity Statistics and Trends [updated 2022]
These cybersecurity statistics for 2021 are grouped by category and include breaches, costs, crime type, compliance, industry-specific stats, job outlook.
On aurait pu les appeler les "50 conseils d'éco-conception web pour les nuls", mais comme l'information est plutôt accessible, ce sera "50 conseils de Pro"
How to be a Performance Detective - Performance.now() Conference 2022
When starting on a web performance journey, many companies’ first step is to start monitoring performance metrics over time. But the second step is often much harder - now that you have all of this data, what do you do when you see a regression? How do you sift through the clues to connect a change in a graph to the code that engineers ship to production? How do you become a performance detective?
In this session, Katie will crack open her casefiles to share some real-world examples where performance metrics changed for the worse, and walk through how to find the culprit. You’ll learn what clues to look for to understand a regression in your Core Web Vitals, how different performance metrics influence each other, and when to use data gathered from real users vs. synthetic tests in the lab.
“It can be dangerous to assume that more data just equals more reality.”"Can AI open up new possibilities for thinking about intelligence and automation?"...
The Performance Inequality Gap, 2023 - Infrequently Noted
To serve users at the global P75 of devices and networks, we can now afford ~150KiB of HTML/CSS/fonts and ~300-350KiB of JavaScript (gzipped). This is a slight upgrade on last year's budgets, thanks to device and network improvements. Meanwhile, web developers continue to send more script than is reasonable for 80+% of the world's users, widening the gap between the haves and the have-nots. This is an ethical crisis for frontend. Meanwhile, the most popular tools and frameworks remain in stubborn denial, but reality is not moved by ignoring it: when digital is the default, slow is exclusionary.
Flutter et Accessibilité, quelles solutions techniques pour répondre au handicap ?Adrien Body Tech Lead Fullstack @Oui.sncfNicolas Chardon Accessibility Expe...
L’(in)accessibilité est politique ! - La Lutine du Web
On entend souvent les défenseurs et défenseuses de l’accessibilité dire que l’accessibilité est un enjeu politique. On a un peu trop tendance, il me semble, à oublier que si l’accessibilité est politique, fatalement, l’inaccessibilité est également politique. En effet, l’inaccessibilité constitue une discrimination à l’égard des personnes handicapées. C’est politique. Fondamentalement politique.
New Online course on Digital4Sustainability by UNEP and the UN System Staff College now open
Introduction We live in a technologically advanced world, spending more than a third of our lives in front of a screen, connected with people and places across the planet - witnesses to the escalating catastrophes caused by environmental degradation and wealth inequality. Despite the power technology affords us, despite the heatwaves and hurricanes, and despite the growing alarm, we are not yet harnessing the full potential of digital technologies to make our world more sustainable, equitable and peaceful. Governments, businesses, civil society, and individuals have choices to make in harnessing and managing new technologies to safeguard the environment and human freedoms. The Digital4Sustainability E-Learning Path explores the transformational role digital solutions and innovations can play in advancing environmental and social sustainability. In particular, how can the green transition be powered by digital technologies, and how can the digital transition be green ? Target Audience The Digital4Sustainability Learning Path is open to anyone who is curious to explore the answers to “what is the role digital technologies can play in advancing sustainable outcomes and what steps will be needed to get us there?” Objectives Upon successful completion of the learning path, participants will understand: Key concepts, including digitalization, digital transformation, and digital sustainability The role of digital transformation in countering the triple planetary crisis of climate change, nature loss and pollution How to leverage the potential of digital transformation in advancing sustainability using a systems approach The negative impacts of digital transformation and how to mitigate them to ensure it is inherently sustainable. Methodology There are four modules in this course which will be released successively during 2022-2023: Module 1: An Introduction to Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development (now open) Module 2: Digital Sustainability for Climate Action (releasing spring 2023) Module 3: Digital Sustainability for Nature Protection (releasing summer 2023) Module 4: Digital Sustainability for Pollution Prevention (releasing fall 2023) Each module requires 3-4 hours of time and can be completed asynchronously following a self-paced learning method. Participants will receive a certificate of completion from the UN System Staff College and the UN Environment Programme for each module they complete. Enrollment and cost of participation The Digital Sustainability Learning Path is free of charge. However, the number of places is limited so it is important enroll as soon as possible. Sign-up here:https://www.unssc.org/courses/digital4sustainability-learning-path Collaborators The Digital4Sustainability Learning pathway has been developed through a joint partnership by UNEP and the UN System Staff College (UNSSC) in collaboration with GIZ, the EU, the Coalition for (Digital Environmental Sustainability (CODES) and the Office of the UN Technology Envoy. The content has been inspired by the CODES Action Plan for a Sustainable Planet in the Digital Age.
Outils d'empreinte carbone des cloud public : comparer des pommes et des oranges (Pierre Rust)
L'hébergement, et en particulier les data-centers, a un impact environnemental, mais on ne sait généralement pas estimer combien il représente sur nos projet...
Les APIs numériquement responsables - Collectif API Thinking
Leader du chantier Yannick Tremblais API & Exchange Product Manager Le label “API Green Score” La Grille Télécharger Le Guide Télécharger Les objectifs du chantier Comprendre et connaître les problématiques liées au green IT dans les APIs Établir des bonnes pratiques à travers un livrable Les participants au chantier