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Green Software Development Is The Only Software Development We Need - Branch
Green Software Development Is The Only Software Development We Need - Branch
Education plays an important role in leading the upcoming green digital transition. Soon, being green-literate will be quintessential to the development of software systems at any scale. Join the group of innovators of this green transition and get started in measuring the energy consumption of software applications. Developing green software is the new tech skill […]
Green Software Development Is The Only Software Development We Need - Branch
Using Web Workers - Web APIs | MDN
Using Web Workers - Web APIs | MDN
Web Workers are a simple means for web content to run scripts in background threads. The worker thread can perform tasks without interfering with the user interface. In addition, they can perform I/O using XMLHttpRequest (although the responseXML and channel attributes are always null) or fetch (with no such restrictions). Once created, a worker can send messages to the JavaScript code that created it by posting messages to an event handler specified by that code (and vice versa).
Using Web Workers - Web APIs | MDN
Impact Management Platform — Manage sustainability impacts
Impact Management Platform — Manage sustainability impacts
Learn how to manage sustainability impacts and find resources relevant to your organisation, using the Impact Management Platform website.
Impact Management Platform — Manage sustainability impacts
The Joy of Cryptography
The Joy of Cryptography
A free undergraduate textbook that introduces students to the fundamentals of provable security
The Joy of Cryptography
Design for Safety by Eva PenzeyMoog
Design for Safety by Eva PenzeyMoog
If abuse is possible, it’s only a matter of time until it happens. There is no might. So let’s build better, safer digital products from the start.
Design for Safety by Eva PenzeyMoog
L'insatiable appétit des "Tech review" pour le design pornographique
L'insatiable appétit des "Tech review" pour le design pornographique
Malgré l'omniprésence des tests de produits technologiques (ou “tech review”) de grande consommation, les valeurs et les convictions que ces tests véhiculent n'ont jamais vraiment été examinées
L'insatiable appétit des "Tech review" pour le design pornographique
Contre la récupération du handicap par les personnes anti écriture inclusive
Contre la récupération du handicap par les personnes anti écriture inclusive
Nous relayons deux initiatives collectives portées par le Réseau d’Études HandiFéministes : un billet pour dénoncer la récupération du handicap par les personnes qui s’opposent à l’écriture inclusive. Écrit par les personnes concernées par le validisme et le sexisme, ce...
Contre la récupération du handicap par les personnes anti écriture inclusive
Agbogbloshie Demolition: The End of An Era or An Injustice? -
Agbogbloshie Demolition: The End of An Era or An Injustice? -
Emerging consequences of the Agbogbloshie demolition, betrayals, recounts of events, and a glimpse of everyday struggles in Accra and how urban marginality is experienced. Beyond the role of the State in dispossessing Accra’s urban poor, the Agbogbloshie demolition should be viewed within the context of socio-spatial entanglements.
Agbogbloshie Demolition: The End of An Era or An Injustice? -