Found 279 bookmarks
HTML Over The Wire | Hotwire
HTML Over The Wire | Hotwire
Hotwire is an alternative approach to building modern web applications without using much JavaScript by sending HTML instead of JSON over the wire.
HTML Over The Wire | Hotwire
Click and Collect : Quelle solution choisir ? - Blog du Web Utile
Click and Collect : Quelle solution choisir ? - Blog du Web Utile
Alors que la crise touche de plus en plus de TPE/PME, le click and collect est devenu une véritable solution de survie. Tour d’horizon des solutions à envisager.
Click and Collect : Quelle solution choisir ? - Blog du Web Utile
Carbo | Votre allié contre le changement climatique
Carbo | Votre allié contre le changement climatique
Carbo est l'application web gratuite qui analyse votre mode de vie pour vous aider à réduire et compenser votre impact carbone
Carbo | Votre allié contre le changement climatique
An ex-Googler's guide to dev tools
An ex-Googler's guide to dev tools
After leaving Google, many engineers miss the developer tools. Here's one ex-Googler's guide to navigating the dev tools landscape outside of Google, finding the ones that fill the gaps you're feeling, and introducing these to your new team.
An ex-Googler's guide to dev tools
World smallest office suite
World smallest office suite
Let's build a tiny browser-based office suite - a text editor, a speadsheet, a drawing app and a presentation maker - all in four lines of code.
World smallest office suite
Can I Include
Can I Include
'Can I Include' tool to help determine if one HTML tag can be included in another HTML tag
Can I Include
*Privacy Not Included: A Buyer’s Guide for Connected Products
*Privacy Not Included: A Buyer’s Guide for Connected Products
Be Smart. Shop Safe. How creepy is that smart speaker, that fitness tracker, those wireless headphones? We created this guide to help you shop for safe, secure connected products.
*Privacy Not Included: A Buyer’s Guide for Connected Products
VS Code: You don't need that extension
VS Code: You don't need that extension
I was digging deeper in VS Code recently and made some interesting discoveries. There are quite a few features and settings that ably do the work of many popular extensions. Take a look, you may not need that extension!
VS Code: You don't need that extension
Notion • L’outil de productivité ultime pour s’organiser
Notion • L’outil de productivité ultime pour s’organiser
Notes, documents, wiki, projets, tâches… Notion, c’est tout ça à la fois. Avec son UX fabuleuse, c’est l’endroit idéal pour accueillir votre second cerveau.
Notion • L’outil de productivité ultime pour s’organiser
Favicon Generator for perfect icons on all browsers
Favicon Generator for perfect icons on all browsers
The ultimate favicon generator. Design your icons platform per platform and make them look great everywhere. Including in Google results pages.
Favicon Generator for perfect icons on all browsers
Boxicons : Premium web friendly icons for free
Boxicons : Premium web friendly icons for free
Boxicons is a free collection of carefully crafted open source icons. Each icon is designed on a 24px grid with the material guidelines
Boxicons : Premium web friendly icons for free
Remix Icon - Open source icon library
Remix Icon - Open source icon library
Remix Icon is a set of open source neutral style system symbols elaborately crafted for designers and developers. All of the icons are free to use for both personal and commercial.
Remix Icon - Open source icon library
Présentation en temps réel des problèmes et des pannes pour toutes sortes de services. Vous rencontrez des problèmes? Nous vous aidons à trouver trouver leur origine.
DevTools Debugging Tips And Shortcuts (Chrome, Firefox, Edge) — Smashing Magazine
DevTools Debugging Tips And Shortcuts (Chrome, Firefox, Edge) — Smashing Magazine
DevTools is very advanced and helpful, but can also be very intimidating and overwhelming. Let’s fix that. In this article, Vitaly reviews useful features and shortcuts for debugging in Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari.
DevTools Debugging Tips And Shortcuts (Chrome, Firefox, Edge) — Smashing Magazine
Your web font utility belt. It can subset web fonts. It can find unicode-ranges for you automatically. It makes julienne fries. - zachleat/glyphhanger
Font Subsetter
Font Subsetter
An online font subsetting tool. Subset otf,ttf,svg, sfd, woff fonts to reduce their size and protect your full font from piracy.
Font Subsetter
Stockez vos mots de passe dans un coffre fort sécurisé avec Bitwarden
Stockez vos mots de passe dans un coffre fort sécurisé avec Bitwarden
Bitwarden est un coffre fort numérique qui permet de stocker vos mots de passe en toute sécurité. Découvrez dans cet article comment utiliser ce service et les extensions et applications pour votre navigateur et votre téléphone.
Stockez vos mots de passe dans un coffre fort sécurisé avec Bitwarden
Zoom Escaper
Zoom Escaper
Zoom Escaper is a simple tool to help you escape Zoom meetings and other videoconferencing scenarios. It allows you to self-sabotage your audio stream, making your presence unbearable to others.
Zoom Escaper
Paged.js — Paged.js
Paged.js — Paged.js
The home of paged.js, the library to turn HTML into PDF
Paged.js — Paged.js
Krita | Digital Painting. Creative Freedom.
Krita | Digital Painting. Creative Freedom.
Krita is a professional FREE and open source painting program. It is made by artists that want to see affordable art tools for everyone.
Krita | Digital Painting. Creative Freedom.