
Custom sorting
Cal.com | Open Scheduling Infrastructure
Cal.com | Open Scheduling Infrastructure
Open Source Scheduling: Send a link and meet or build an entire marketplace for humans to connect
Cal.com | Open Scheduling Infrastructure
Sixo Online APK Analyzer | sisik
Sixo Online APK Analyzer | sisik
Android, embedded systems, graphics, and various information about mobile app development
Sixo Online APK Analyzer | sisik
Android API Levels
Android API Levels
A quick reference table of Android versions with SDK & API levels, version codes, codenames, cumulative usage, and more.
Android API Levels
Bug reporting for the web | webcompat.com
Bug reporting for the web | webcompat.com
Open source community for web compatibility. Report bugs from websites or for browsers and help us move the web forward.
Bug reporting for the web | webcompat.com
Shaarli documentation
Shaarli documentation
The personal, minimalist, super fast, database-free bookmarking service
Shaarli documentation
SVG To Font 6.1.1
SVG To Font 6.1.1
Read a set of SVG icons and ouput a TTF/EOT/WOFF/WOFF2/SVG font, Generator of fonts from SVG icons.
SVG To Font 6.1.1
ACPM - Classements Numériques - Octobre 2024
ACPM - Classements Numériques - Octobre 2024
L'ACPM a le plaisir de vous adresser les mesures contrôlées et certifiées de la fréquentation des Sites et des Applications au mois d'octobre 2024.
ACPM - Classements Numériques - Octobre 2024
Contribute to bopjesvla/tiny-static-map development by creating an account on GitHub.
Replace Twitter Embeds with Semantic HTML
Replace Twitter Embeds with Semantic HTML
I logged into Twitter using a fresh account last week. No followers, no preferences set. The default experience was an unending slurry of racism and porn. I don't care to use Twitter any more. Whatever good that was there is now drowned in a cess-pit of violent filth. I still have a lot of Tweets […]
Replace Twitter Embeds with Semantic HTML
Optimize images with Thumbor | Articles | web.dev
Optimize images with Thumbor | Articles | web.dev
Instructions on how to optimize images with Thumbor. Thumbor is an open-source image CDN and can be used for free to resize, compress, and transform images.
Optimize images with Thumbor | Articles | web.dev
Getting Started
Getting Started
GoReplay is an open-source tool for capturing and replaying live HTTP traffic into a test environment in order to continuously test your system with real data. It can be used to increase confidence...
Getting Started
Web Check
Web Check
All-in-one Website OSINT Scanner
Web Check
Semantic Web Hook
Semantic Web Hook
You provide the semantics, we provides the interactivity. Turn data intended for search engines and social networks into useful functionality for visitors.
Semantic Web Hook
DevTools Tips & Tricks
DevTools Tips & Tricks
Front-end developers spend a significant amount of time working inside the browser’s DevTools. Likely just as much as they spend time writing code in the code editor. However, most developers barel…
DevTools Tips & Tricks