According to images represent about 43% of the page weight for the median desktop and mobile page. There are many things to consider with images such as using the proper type, serving the appropriate image for the device and situation (srcset or picture), and lossless or loss
How to be a Performance Detective - Conference 2022
When starting on a web performance journey, many companies’ first step is to start monitoring performance metrics over time. But the second step is often much harder - now that you have all of this data, what do you do when you see a regression? How do you sift through the clues to connect a change in a graph to the code that engineers ship to production? How do you become a performance detective?
In this session, Katie will crack open her casefiles to share some real-world examples where performance metrics changed for the worse, and walk through how to find the culprit. You’ll learn what clues to look for to understand a regression in your Core Web Vitals, how different performance metrics influence each other, and when to use data gathered from real users vs. synthetic tests in the lab.
The Performance Inequality Gap, 2023 - Infrequently Noted
To serve users at the global P75 of devices and networks, we can now afford ~150KiB of HTML/CSS/fonts and ~300-350KiB of JavaScript (gzipped). This is a slight upgrade on last year's budgets, thanks to device and network improvements. Meanwhile, web developers continue to send more script than is reasonable for 80+% of the world's users, widening the gap between the haves and the have-nots. This is an ethical crisis for frontend. Meanwhile, the most popular tools and frameworks remain in stubborn denial, but reality is not moved by ignoring it: when digital is the default, slow is exclusionary.
Live Chat Comparison: Speed Impact On 5 Market Leaders
We got to a point where we had the lightest chatbox on the market, with a compressed size of 232KB (full load), where other chatbox providers would often load up to a megabyte. Discover How!
The Mobile Performance Inequality Gap, 2021 - Infrequently Noted
A lot has changed since 2017 we I last estimated a global baseline for total page resource limits of 120-170KiB. Thanks to progress in networks and browsers (but not devices), the new baseline is much more generous: ~100KiB of HTML/CSS/fonts and ~300-350KiB of JS. But the devil's in the footnotes, and modern web development practices push the median page well above these guidelines.
Loi n° 2021-1755 du 23 décembre 2021 visant à renforcer la régulation environnementale du numérique par l'Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques, des postes et de la distribution de la presse (ARCEP)
La lettre de la DAJ Loi n° 2021-1755 du 23 décembre 2021 visant à renforcer la régulation environnementale du numérique par l'Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques, des postes et de la distribution de la presse (ARCEP)
SpeedCurve | Ten years of page bloat: What have we learned?
How big are pages today vs. ten years ago? How does page bloat hurt your business? How does it affect Google's Core Web Vitals? What can you do to fight it?
Why you should be testing your 404 pages web performance
Your may not think it, but your 404 page is an important part of your potential user journey. You should test its web performance as it can have a big impact...
Social networks are everywhere online. Share, like and tweet buttons are popping up on a lot of webpages these days.The social buttons however have a big impact on the performance of a website. They load a ton of resources and slow down websites.In this post I'll tell you why I hate these social buttons so much. I'll also walk you through the ...