What Web Designers Can Do To Speed Up Mobile Websites
Web developers know what they’re doing in terms of optimizing a website for page speed, but is it enough in Google’s eyes? When it comes to mobile loading speeds, your website can always be faster. Find out how.
Front-End Performance Checklist 2019 [PDF, Apple Pages, MS Word]
Let’s make 2019... fast! A front-end performance checklist (PDF/Apple Pages/MS Word), with everything you need to know to create fast experiences today.
Website Speed Test and Website Analysis – Free test
All-in-one service for website speed test, web performance monitoring and website analysis (speed, SEO, quality, security). Web performance has never been so easy.
How Google Pagespeed works: Improve Your Score and Search Engine Ranking
In this article, we uncover how PageSpeed calculates it’s critical speed score. It’s no secret that speed has become a crucial factor in…
How Privilege Defines Performance, Tatiana Mac @ #PerfMatters Conference 2019
In theory, performance, accessibility, and inclusive design all have similar goals: Provide the best, most consistent experience to all people using the minimal amount of resources. In practice, this often falls apart. Product creators define what it means to be performant from where they stand, which is typically from places of privilege with unseen biases, struggling to find true empathy with their users. Through this talk, we'll examine how to build conscientiously, looking within to resist systematic problems in order to create more truly performant, accessible, and inclusive systems fo...
Performance speed limits
How fast can it go?
thedaviddias/Front-End-Performance-Checklist: ?The only Front-End Performan
🎮 The only Front-End Performance Checklist that runs faster than the others - thedaviddias/Front-End-Performance-Checklist
A framework for web performance
Where should you be focusing your efforts when it comes to improving your site’s performance? Here’s a reusable framework for figuring it out.
Website Speed Optimization: How to Do It in 2019
This post is a complete guide on website speed optimization in 2019. It describes best practices and walks you through their implementation.