A Management Maturity Model for Performance - Infrequently Noted
Despite advances in browser tooling, automated evaluation, lab tools, guidance, and runtimes, modern teams struggle to deliver even decent performance with today's popular frameworks. This is not a technical problem per se. It's a management issue, and one that teams can conquer with the right frame of mind and support.
Performance Game Changer: Browser Back/Forward Cache — Smashing Magazine
At the end of 2021, the Chrome team shipped some functionality that has the ability to make or break sites meeting the Core Web Vitals. So, let’s learn a little bit more about the Back/Forward Cache (aka bfcache), and what you can do to test if your website is compatible with it.
How Partytown Eliminates Website Bloat From Third-Party Scripts — Smashing Magazine
Introducing Partytown, a lightweight open-source solution that reduces execution delays due to third-party JavaScript by offloading third-party scripts to web workers, which run in background threads.
Knowing where to begin optimizing your application's JavaScript can be daunting. If you're taking advantage of modern tooling such as webpack, however, tree shaking might be a good place to start!
Are JavaScript libraries really that bad for performance?
Earlier this week, I posted a video on YouTube about how to create your own personal jQuery, and wrote a text article version of it as well.
On YouTube, someone in the comments was very insistent that jQuery has no impact on performance whatsoever.
What is it, 30kb? Even at 7Mps it still downloads in just a few milliseconds. You don’t need the latest hardware or superfast broadband to handle it.
Setting the right benchmarks for site speed in government - Ad Hoc
As we think about ways in which government sites meet the needs of their users, speed is an integral part of what makes a site inclusive and accessible to more people.
The Ultimate Guide to Optimizing JavaScript for Quick Page Loads
Great performance is key for great UX. We’ve told you how to tackle the low-hanging fruit: optimizing images for faster page loads. Now it’s time to fight the boss: JavaScript. Check out our handy guide!
Can You Afford It?: Real-world Web Performance Budgets - Infrequently Noted
Performance budgets are an essential but under-appreciated part of product success and team health. Most partners we work with are not aware of the real-world operating environment and make inappropriate technology choices as a result. We set a time budget of less than 5 seconds first-load Time-to-Interactive and less than two seconds for subsequent loads. We further constrain ourselves to a baseline device and network configuration to measure progress. 2017's global baseline is a ~$200 Android device on a 400Kbps link with a 400ms round-trip-time ('RTT'). This translates to ~130-170KB of critical-path resources, depending on composition; the more JS you include, the smaller the bundle must be.
Which SVG technique performs best for way too many icons?
When I started giving talks about SVG back in 2016, I'd occasionally hear a question I never had a great answer for: What if you have a lot of icons on a page?
Third-party scripts provide a wide range of useful functionality, making the web more dynamic. Learn how to optimize the loading of third-party scripts to reduce their impact on performance.
Say goodbye to resource-caching across sites and domains
A look-back at caching strategies from the past; with recent changes in Chrome's and Safari's caching strategies, there is no caching benefit from using publicly available third-party libraries anymore.
Le 20 janvier 2022 le tribunal de Munich a condamné l’utilisation de Google Font sur un site web. Le tribunal considère que l’appel vers le CDN de Google Font équivaut à la « perte de contrôle du demandeur sur une donnée personnelle » en l’occurrence l’IP du visiteur.
Sans rentrer dans les détails de cette décision qui s’appuie sur le Règlement Général de la Protection des Données, il est très facile de se conformer à cette décision !