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How We Improved SmashingMag Performance — Smashing Magazine
How We Improved SmashingMag Performance — Smashing Magazine
In this article, we’ll take a close look at some of the changes we made on this very site — running on JAMStack with React — to optimize the web performance and improve the Core Web Vitals metrics. With some of the mistakes we’ve made, and some of the unexpected changes that helped boost all the metrics across the board.
How We Improved SmashingMag Performance — Smashing Magazine
Lighthouse performance scoring
Lighthouse performance scoring
Learn how Lighthouse generates the overall Performance score for your page.
Lighthouse performance scoring
Optimizing Video For Size And Quality — Smashing Magazine
Optimizing Video For Size And Quality — Smashing Magazine
Adding video to your application can increase customer engagement and satisfaction. But the exact opposite can occur when there are issues with the video playback: video stalls are frustrating and drive customers away. In this article, we’ll walk through the steps to optimize the video on your website to ensure fast playback and reduce stalls.
Optimizing Video For Size And Quality — Smashing Magazine
JavaScript performance beyond bundle size
JavaScript performance beyond bundle size
There’s an old story about a drunk trying to find his keys in the streetlight. Why? Well, because that’s where it’s the brightest. It’s a funny story, but also relatable, be…
JavaScript performance beyond bundle size
SpeedCurve | An Opinionated Guide to Performance Budgets
SpeedCurve | An Opinionated Guide to Performance Budgets
If you're just getting started with performance budgets � or if you've been using them for a while and want to validate your work � this post is for you.
SpeedCurve | An Opinionated Guide to Performance Budgets
Making the slowest 'fast' page
Making the slowest 'fast' page
Can you make a webpage which gets 100 score in Lighthouse and passes all the Core Web Vitals and still feels slow?
Making the slowest 'fast' page
The Core Web Vitals hype train
The Core Web Vitals hype train
Are Core Web Vitals the panacea that everyone thinks it is? I'm not so sure.
The Core Web Vitals hype train
How To Boost Media Performance On A Budget — Smashing Magazine
How To Boost Media Performance On A Budget — Smashing Magazine
How do we get media performance right while staying within performance budgets? Let’s take a look at the recent stats and data around performance budgets, video playback performance issues and some techniques and tools to address these issues.
How To Boost Media Performance On A Budget — Smashing Magazine
Reduce WebFont Size
Reduce WebFont Size
This post explains how to reduce the size of the WebFonts that you use on your site, so that good typography doesn't mean a slow site.
Reduce WebFont Size
Analysis and reports on the impact of third party entities on the web as a whole.
An In-Depth Guide To Measuring Core Web Vitals — Smashing Magazine
An In-Depth Guide To Measuring Core Web Vitals — Smashing Magazine
How are Core Web Vitals measured? How do you know your fixes have had the desired effect and when will you see the results in Google Search Console? Let’s figure it out.
An In-Depth Guide To Measuring Core Web Vitals — Smashing Magazine
Measure performance with the RAIL model
Measure performance with the RAIL model
RAIL model enables designers and developers to reliably target the performance optimization work that has the highest impact on user experience. Learn what goals and guidelines the RAIL model sets out and which tools you can use to achieve them.
Measure performance with the RAIL model
Apply instant loading with the PRPL pattern
Apply instant loading with the PRPL pattern
PRPL is an acronym that describes a pattern used to make web pages load and become interactive, faster. In this guide, learn how each of these techniques fit together but still can be used independently to achieve performance results.
Apply instant loading with the PRPL pattern
The performance cost of custom web fonts, and how to solve it
The performance cost of custom web fonts, and how to solve it
Custom web fonts are an essential part of most web design, but they come at a performance cost. This post looks at addressing the causes and the symptoms.
The performance cost of custom web fonts, and how to solve it
Perf Track
Perf Track
Tracking framework performance at scale
Perf Track
Is WebP really better than JPEG?
Is WebP really better than JPEG?
According to Google, WebP is 25 – 34% smaller than JPEG at equivalent quality. But how much of it is really true? To find out, I ran a few tests.
Is WebP really better than JPEG?