Top 10 security best practices for PHP - Sqreen Blog
Top 10 security best practices for PHP - Sqreen Blog
As a PHP developer, you should be aware of PHP security best practices, such as XSS attack, remote file inclusion, and SQL injections.
Top 10 security best practices for PHP - Sqreen Blog
Writing Clean Code In PHP | StackCoder
Writing Clean Code In PHP | StackCoder
In this article, let's learn how to write clean code in PHP. These tips help you to write readable, reusable & refactorable code in PHP.
Writing Clean Code In PHP | StackCoder
En route pour Symfony 5 (Symfony Docs)
En route pour Symfony 5 (Symfony Docs)
En route pour Symfony 5: Remerciements Étape 0: Pourquoi ce livre ? Étape 1: Votre environnement de travail Étape 2: Présentation du projet Étape 3: De zéro à la production Étape 4: Adopter ...
En route pour Symfony 5 (Symfony Docs)
Adoptez une architecture MVC en PHP
Adoptez une architecture MVC en PHP
Vous avez appris les bases de la programmation en PHP et vous souhaitez aller plus loin ? Découvrez pas à pas comment se structure un site PHP professionnel avec MVC et la Programmation Orientée Objet (POO). Vous serez prêts à utiliser ensuite des frameworks !
Adoptez une architecture MVC en PHP
PHP Apprentice
PHP Apprentice
An online book for learning PHP
PHP Apprentice
PSR-12: Extended Coding Style - PHP-FIG
PSR-12: Extended Coding Style - PHP-FIG
We're a group of established PHP projects whose goal is to talk about commonalities between our projects and find ways we can work better together.
PSR-12: Extended Coding Style - PHP-FIG
PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards. - squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer
PHP Pandas - For Everyone
PHP Pandas - For Everyone
PHP Pandas is for newcomers to programming and experienced developers alike. Now's the time to learn PHP, and to do so while having fun! Do you like pandas? What are you waiting for!
PHP Pandas - For Everyone
Learning PHPUnit | Part 1
Learning PHPUnit | Part 1
I was planning to write a few articles about **PHP Unit** for the beginner. Today, finally I got a chance to do that. In this series of article, I am going to show you how to use PHP Unit in PHP for the absolute beginner. In this consequence, today I
Learning PHPUnit | Part 1
Mise en pratique de la POO en PHP
Mise en pratique de la POO en PHP
Dans la précédente formation,, on a découvert la programmation orientée objet et les différents d...
Mise en pratique de la POO en PHP
PHP: La bonne manière
PHP: La bonne manière
PHP: La bonne manière est une référence, concise, facile à lire, à propos des conventions d'écriture les plus connues du PHP, des liens sur les tutoriaux faisant autorité sur le web
PHP: La bonne manière
Laravel Factory Blog | What, why and how of PHP Composer
Laravel Factory Blog | What, why and how of PHP Composer
PHP Composer is not just a dependency manager. It has got a wing of other weapons to help you easily write, manage and consume reusable code.
Laravel Factory Blog | What, why and how of PHP Composer
Learn Laravel Forge - Laravel News
Learn Laravel Forge - Laravel News
Learn Laravel Forge is new video course on Laracasts teaching you all things Forge, by guest instructor Marcel Pociot! The course consists of over twenty free videos walking you through configuring servers with Laravel Forge. ????We are thrilled to announce an all new, updated Forge video course is now available for free on @laracasts. Let guest host @marcelpociot te …
Learn Laravel Forge - Laravel News
Deploy PHP Web Applications Using Laravel Forge
Deploy PHP Web Applications Using Laravel Forge
Developers love to automate things—for every process between development and production, they are keen to have a script that makes their workflow easier. This is also the case with deployment. The...
Deploy PHP Web Applications Using Laravel Forge
PHP Notes for Professionals book
PHP Notes for Professionals book
Getting started with PHP, Variables, Variable Scope, Superglobal Variables PHP, Outputting the Value of a Variable, Constants, Magic Constants, Comments, Types, Operators, References, Arrays, Array iteration, Executing Upon an Array, Manipulating an Array, Datetime Class and Loops
PHP Notes for Professionals book
Design Patterns in PHP
Design Patterns in PHP
Article: Design Patterns in PHP, design patterns, overview, programming, usage
Design Patterns in PHP
PHP Tutorials
PHP Tutorials
Popular sites, blogs and tutorials for learning and mastering PHP.
PHP Tutorials
Let's TDD a Simple App in PHP
Let's TDD a Simple App in PHP
In this tutorial, I will present an end-to-end example of a simple application - made strictly with TDD in PHP. I will walk you through each step, one at a time, while explaining the decisions I...
Let's TDD a Simple App in PHP
PHP Code Examples - HotExamples
PHP Code Examples - HotExamples
This service was created to help programmers find real examples of using classes and methods as well as documentation. Our system automatically searches, retrieves and ranks examples of source code from more than 1 million opensource projects. A key feature of the service is an opportunity to see examples of using a particular class or method from multiple projects on a single page.
PHP Code Examples - HotExamples