Orange - how-to pentest
brellavis (Bree) sur Twitter
“i will be locking my PC from now on 🥲”
Entreprises, comment éviter les remontées sauvages de failles de sécurité ?
Bon, vous le savez, depuis 2013 on organise des Bugs Bounties avec les copains de YesWeHack. Et en 2015, on a décidé de créer, une plateforme qui permet facilement à chaque sociét…
Big Tech is mandating MFA. Hackers have workarounds
Multi-factor authentication offers users far more protection than a password alone. But experts warn it’s no panacea against hackers.
The Joy of Cryptography
A free undergraduate textbook that introduces students to the fundamentals of provable security
What does the Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure bill mean for me? | Pen Test Partners
The UK’s Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) introduced a bill to Parliament yesterday. But what does that mean for IoT manufacturers and consumers? First, this bill has been […]
Securing your digital life, the finale: Debunking worthless “security” practices
We tear down some infosec conventional wisdom—there's a lot of bad advice out there.
Zebra Crossing: An easy-to-use digital safety checklist
An easy-to-use digital safety checklist
A Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography
Safe DOM manipulation with the Sanitizer API
The new Sanitizer API aims to build a robust processor for arbitrary strings to be safely inserted into a page. This article introduces the API, and explains its usage.
OWASP Top 10:2021
You should turn off autofill in your password manager
Penetration Tester | Ethical Hacker | Web Application Security
Mitre D3FEND expliqué : Un graphe de connaissances pour les défenseurs de la cybersécurité
La matrice D3FEND de Mitre explique la terminologie des techniques défensives de cybersécurité et leur rapport avec les méthodes offensives.
Cryptographie I
Proposé par Université de Stanford. Cryptography is an indispensable tool for protecting information in computer systems. In ... Inscrivez-vous gratuitement.
GitHub Advisory Database
A database of software vulnerabilities, using data from maintainer-submitted advisories and from other vulnerability databases.
XS-Leaks Wiki # Overview # Cross-site leaks (aka XS-Leaks, XSLeaks) are a class of vulnerabilities derived from side-channels 1 built into the web platform. They take advantage of the web’s core principle of composability, which allows websites to interact with each other, and abuse legitimate mechanisms 2 to infer information about the user. One way of looking at XS-Leaks is to highlight their similarity with cross-site request forgery (CSRF 3) techniques, with the main difference being that instead of allowing other websites to perform actions on behalf of a user, XS-Leaks can be used to infer information about a user.
The Story of Trusty - DNSimple
Finally, the true story behind the DNSimple character Trusty.
Sqreen Blog - The Official Sqreen Blog
The Official Sqreen Blog
Linux Hardening Guide | Madaidan's Insecurities
Hacker earns $2 million in bug bounties on HackerOne
Inhibitor181 is the first bug bounty hunter to earn more than $2,000,000 in bounty awards through the vulnerability coordination and bug bounty program HackerOne.
InfoSec - Veille Sécurité par Torii Security
Veille sécurité collaborative via
Le tableau de la résistance des mots de passe
J’ai récemment vu passer un tweet de la gendarmerie des Vosges sur la solidité des mots de passe contenant ce tableau : Bien que très intéressant et donnant une bonne idée de la complexité qu’il faut donner à un mot de passe, cette
How to Build HTML Forms Right: Security
This article covers security aspects to consider when creating forms for the web. We'll be applying security principles for the frontend, backend, DNS and more.
La sécurité des objets connectés (IoT)
Un objet connecté (IoT) peut présenter des vulnérabilités. Voici 10 bonnes pratiques à adopter pour utiliser au mieux vos objets connectés en sécurité.
Sqreen's State of App Sec Report: PHP Apps Exploited 3x More Often
In this post, learn about the main findings of Sqreen's State of Application Security report, related to the PHP language.
XML External Entity (XXE), explained - Sqreen Blog
XXE -- XML External Entity -- is one of the OWASP Top Ten vulnerabilities. Learn more about what it is and how you can prevent exploits
CrackStation's Password Cracking Dictionary (Pay what you want!)
Download CrackStation's password cracking wordlist.
Free Rainbow Tables
The largest collection of rainbow tables anywhere - completely free to download
Common Password List ( rockyou.txt )
Built-in Kali Linux wordlist rockyou.txt
Default passwords list - Select manufacturer