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Do hypertension, dyslipidemia, and new-onset diabetes mellitus play a part in post-COVID sequelae?
Do hypertension, dyslipidemia, and new-onset diabetes mellitus play a part in post-COVID sequelae?
"significant number of patients exhibited hyperglycemia during the months after recovery, & meta-analysis indicated 59% increase in risk of developing diabetes mellitus after SARS-CoV-2...also noted elevated systolic & changes in diastolic blood pressure"
Do hypertension, dyslipidemia, and new-onset diabetes mellitus play a part in post-COVID sequelae?
CTV News on Twitter
CTV News on Twitter
Type 1 diabetes risk increases in young people following COVID-19 infection, studies suggest
CTV News on Twitter

"The long-term implications of #SARSCoV2 infection increasing diabetes risk are profound."

Incidence of newly diagnosed diabetes after Covid-19
Incidence of newly diagnosed diabetes after Covid-19

The association of predominantly mild Covid and subsequent Type 2 diabetes l Matched pair analysis of >35,000 people who develop diabetes vs controls with acute URI, ~28% increase

Incidence of newly diagnosed diabetes after Covid-19
The ~40% increased risk of diabetes, in people with Covid, not present at 1 month, but manifest at 1-year follow-up among 180,000 infectees vs 4.3 million controls