Covid and Diabetes
In a large study, unvaccinated people had an 8.76x higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the 4 weeks after COVID vs. before infection. Vaccinated individuals had only a 1.66x increase.
Vaccination significantly reduced (but didn't eliminate) the risk of T2D after COVID.
COVID infections kill your pancreatic Beta cells and can lead to new onset diabetes. (Both type 1 and type 2)
“COVID-19 is linked to new diabetes cases—but long-term problems could be more severe In addition to driving new cases of diabetes, the virus may be directly damaging the pancreas in ways that could lead to chronic inflammation and even cancer.”
In this study - 75% of patients with long COVID-19 developed DIABETES within a year of acute infection with COVID-19. That Long COVID-19 is a major risk for metabolic dysfunction is well known by now
New onset diabetes after COVID-19 (NODAC)
"Patients with NODAC have evidence of persistent insulin resistance on follow up, underscoring the need for long term glycemic monitoring."
There is a popular video on Chinese Tiktok, a girl sharing her experience of getting diabetes after getting covid. She has almost none symptom except a little bit low temperature when tested positive of Covid. But then becomes thirsty and loosing weight. When she realised that it is serious and went to hospitial, she almost died. Luckily she is still young and could survive after struggling in ICU. But now she can't lives without insulin in her whole life.
Anecdote: Contact who has diabetes now finding it cannot be controlled: regularly they are over 15 for blood sugar and their Drs can't work out why: actually all diabetics who've had Covid that I know are starting to have almost uncontrollable diabetes: essentially a death sentence
Analysis thread on Twitter: Today in JAMA: COV1D nearly doubles the risk of Type 1 #diabetes in #children.
"Possible mechanisms include initiation of #autoimmunity or acceleration of disease progression."
Analysis thread on Twitter: The relationship between COVID and diabetes is a 2-way street. Those with diabetes are at greater risk of a poor outcome from Covid, and those who get COVID are at greater risk of worsening or even new onset diabetes. 1/5
How does Covid lead to high blood sugar levels, which is not uncommon, even in people without diabetes? https://pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2217119120 #SARSCoV2 infects and replicates in liver cells, stimulates glucose production; by @luiz_leiria and colleagues
"Up to one in 20 new diabetes cases could be linked to Covid, study suggests
Research adds to growing evidence that pandemic may be contributing to rapid rise in people" with diabetes
Covid is associated with a >60% increased risk of newly diagnosed diabetes A systematic analysis replicated by 2 independent groups
"CONCLUSIONS Patients of all ages and genders recovering from COVID-19 had an elevated incidence and relative risk for developing diabetes. [Type 1 & 2] Particular attention should be paid to potential new-onset diabetes during the first 3 months of follow-up after COVID-19."