“Exercise makes long COVID worse, and researchers may now know why…
The results were striking, revealing no notable problems with the way the heart or lungs were functioning but distinct abnormalities in the way the body’s tissues were taking up oxygen. The dysfunction was labeled as impaired peak systemic oxygen extraction (pEO2).”
“Striving for fitness is usually healing. But for most people with long COVID, it can be toxic…
In the weeks after she caught COVID, in May 2022, Lauren Shoemaker couldn’t wait to return to her usual routine of skiing, backpacking, and pregaming her family’s eight-mile hikes with three-mile jogs. All went fine in the first few weeks after her infection. Then, in July, hours after finishing a hike, Shoemaker started to feel off; two days later, she couldn’t make it to the refrigerator without feeling utterly exhausted. Sure it was a fluke, she tried to hike again—and this time, was out of commission for months.”
“There has been many amazing #LongCovid studies recently I’ve just been mulling them over. 🏆 long covid patients get muscle NECROSIS with exercise. N-protein in the muscles but ALSO controls.
We are going to find viral persistence everywhere, aren’t we? No one wants to say it”