Chicago Public Schools saw an increase in COVID cases in the first week of school after the CDC relaxed guidelines. Low vaccination rates don't help. August 2022

Covid and Kids
Children who got COVID-19 had increased risks of cognitive deficit, insomnia, intracranial haemorrhage, ischaemic stroke, nerve root & plexus disorders, psychotic disorders, and epilepsy or seizures (HRs: 1·20 to 2·16)."
COVID-19 is not flu, certainly.
6yr old son First day of High School Day 594 of Long Covid
He came home and virtually collapsed. He felt like someone was sitting on his chest and he was suffocating. Pulse was >110, smartwatch shows it >160 during the school day.
He'll be home for day two.💔 #longcovidkids
The CDC covid tracker was reporting 1,742 pediatric covid deaths a week ago and is now reporting 1,933 deaths today August 23, 2022
Thread Pediatric deaths from COVID are exploding, again
In the 0-17 age a staggering nine (9) children a day are now dying of COVID
If sustained: 3,000+ a year
Three (3) a day in the 0-4 age range. 1,000 a year if sustained
@BenjaminMateus7 @JHowardBrainMD
"Covid-19 can severely damage your child's brain.
The research identifies a wide spectrum of neurological complications in children and suggests they may be more common than in adults admitted with Covid-19."
"How COVID-19 Can Affect Your Child's Brain
Some children develop neurological symptoms from COVID-19, including brain fog, memory issues, headaches, and trouble concentrating. We spoke with pediatric neurologists to learn more..."
New @TheLancetPsych study of 1.5 million people shows #COVID increases risk of cognitive decline, dementia, epilepsy, & psychosis.
Most striking finding, to me, is that it documents the serious outcomes in kids. #LongCOVID
Thread on school closures due to Covid August 2022 "A school in the Calaveras Unified School District closed over a COVID-19 outbreak resulting in low attendance from both students & staff. ~25% of students & 50% of staff were absent Wed prompting the district to cancel school for the rest of the wk."
COVID outbreak closes Mannsville school August 2022 "The school serves ~100 PK-8th grade students; ~20% were out with coronavirus symptoms as of last Thursday, and that number continued to increase. 'We are a small staff, but half of my staff members tested positive over the weekend'" Price-Kelty told KTEN.
Thread One school has been 100% Covid-free with 0 learning loss: Good masks indoors, zero 'mask breaks,' everyone eats outdoors even in bad weather, every room has a HEPA or CR-box and CO2 monitor, at 650 windows open, and at 800 students vacate the room.
Thread According to the CDC's review of death certificates 436 children aged from 0-4 years of age have had COVID listed as a contributor to their death
How does that compare to other diseases?
Thread JAMA: Examination of SARS-CoV-2 In-Class Transmission at a Large Urban University With Public Health Mandates Using Epidemiological and Genomic Methodology - excellent study because it confirms transmission with sequencing - only 9 in class transmissions.
Thread POST-COVID & Kids🚨
New @CDCgov report showing quite clearly that children are at significantly more risk for life-threatening diagnoses after COVID infection. Very convincing evidence that prevention of COVID-19 in children is very important to reduce childhood mortality.
Brain damage after even mild Covid in kids: Omicron is much better at invading children's noses, predicts memory issues. "Severity of smell dysfunction after infection may be a better predictor of long-term cognitive impairment than severity of COVID-19"
Baby believed to have COVID-19 dies waiting in Victorian emergency department July 2022
Many physicians are reporting a huge uptick in pediatric appendicitis. Many of these children are asymptomatic Covid + Parents here are the signs/symptoms.
Thread on kids Covid deaths Five weeks later the CDC tracker now reports 1,656 pediatric covid deaths
Data cover-up deepens as at least 3 children die of COVID every day in the US From July 2022
Last month, the American Academy of Pediatrics announced that it would discontinue publishing child hospitalization and mortality in its weekly “Children & COVID-19” report.
Minimising the experience of children living with #LongCovid has an ongoing impact on those suffering.
"This is Daniel. He is 16 - LC for 16 months. Due to ongoing stomach pains, he is scared of eating & now has an eating disorder too, skin & bone"
#LongCovidKids #ChildHealth
Last week, nearly 76,000 children tested positive for the virus, up from the 63,000 pediatric cases reported the week prior, according to a new report from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children's Hospital Association." From July 2022
The World's Largest Study On Long COVID-19 In Infants & Toddlers:
“40% of children under the age of 3 continued to suffer from certain symptoms two months after they were infected”
A huge study carried out on children aged 14 and under has found Covid symptoms can last longer than two months - and they did for 46% of the kids they looked at.
@Ruth5News has been to meet one boy whose life has been crippled by the virus.
Thread the COVID-19 infected children were 2.5x more likely to have elevated levels of enzymes that indicate liver damage, and 3.3x more likely to have elevated bilirubin, a pigment in red blood cells normally processed by the liver. That can be sign of diminished liver function."