Covid and Kids

Covid and Kids

#kids #Kids #Mortality
Correcting revisionist history:
Correcting revisionist history:

“Correcting revisionist history: ‘COVID is not a problem for young people in the US’

Covid responsible (not ‘with’, underlying cause) for 2% of all deaths <20. That's 1 out of every 50 deaths of all kids who die. #1 in infectious diseases, 5th in disease overall…”

COVID-19 deaths created 300,000 American orphans, 330,000 if we count "primary caregivers" and 380,000 if we count "secondary caregivers". That's a lot of childhood harm.

2x as common for Black kids 4x as common for Indigenous kids 1.6X as common for Hispanic kids”


Correcting revisionist history:
This mother made six attempts to raise the alarm about her sick toddler. Doctors told her he’d be fine. They were fatally wrong
This mother made six attempts to raise the alarm about her sick toddler. Doctors told her he’d be fine. They were fatally wrong

A little boy caught Covid in 2022 and never recovered, with his mother fighting in vain for care in upstate NY, repeatedly dismissed by uninformed American doctors in top notch Albany hospital.

the doctor told them that he had Covid, and, while the fever went away after a week, the toddler never fully bounced back. His mother watched the pulse in his neck, drumming against the skin…

…Micah’s primary-care doctor told Keri-Sue the elevated pulse was nothing to worry about, just swollen glands, a vestige of Covid. But Micah, who had grown out of napping, had begun to doze off during the day. He didn’t have the energy to return to his local playgroup…

…’I said we need to be more thorough, and went down a long list. And every single one of them, he was just like, ‘No, no, that’s not what’s happening. Kids are not getting long Covid. No, it’s not anything with his heart, or his fingers would be blue. No, it’s not his liver.’ When we left, I had been given a prescription for an allergy medicine.’…

…Eventually, the doctors confirmed Micah had an enlarged heart and blood clots on his liver. From her earlier Googling, Keri-Sue knew straight away he needed blood thinners, but the clinicians said they wanted to do more tests and start treatment in the morning. At this point, it was early evening, and the family, who had been at the hospital all day, worried about letting another night slip by. They were reassured: ‘We have a whole team of doctors that are working on this, and this is really treatable stuff and he’s very stable right now.’…

…A blood clot had travelled to Micah’s lungs, causing a pulmonary embolism. His heart had stopped beating and they couldn’t revive him. Nothing could be done. They put Micah in his mother’s arms and started counting. One, two, three … when they reached 60 they declared him dead.”

the doctor told them that he had Covid, and, while the fever went away after a week, the toddler never fully bounced back. His mother watched the pulse in his neck, drumming against the skin.
This mother made six attempts to raise the alarm about her sick toddler. Doctors told her he’d be fine. They were fatally wrong
In other words, the disease burden of COVID is higher in the young than it is in the old compared to the disease burden of all diseases
In other words, the disease burden of COVID is higher in the young than it is in the old compared to the disease burden of all diseases

explanation of rise in excess deaths of the young since Covid introduced into circulation:

“In other words, the disease burden of COVID is higher in the young than it is in the old compared to the disease burden of all diseases

Another way of putting it is: Young people don't normally die of disease but when they do die of disease, they die of SARS-CoV-2 infections”

In other words, the disease burden of COVID is higher in the young than it is in the old compared to the disease burden of all diseases
Diego Bassani, PhD on Twitter
Diego Bassani, PhD on Twitter

Thread Remember 2020, when we protected kids from infections, and then were told schools were safe, and also that kids would not die? Well, the data disagrees. Reference years are 2016-2018, to enable 2019 as a pre-pandemic comparator.

Diego Bassani, PhD on Twitter
Gregory Travis. Make schools #DavosSafe on Twitter
Gregory Travis. Make schools #DavosSafe on Twitter

Thread The best-kept secret of the pandemic is that in 2020 those under the age of five (5), children, actually had >NEGATIVE< excess deaths

In other words, fewer children under the age of five died in 2020 than normally die in any given year

This became the foundation of a deadly lie

Gregory Travis. Make schools #DavosSafe on Twitter
Placental Tissue Destruction and Insufficiency From COVID-19 Causes Stillbirth and Neonatal Death From Hypoxic-Ischemic Injury - PubMed
Placental Tissue Destruction and Insufficiency From COVID-19 Causes Stillbirth and Neonatal Death From Hypoxic-Ischemic Injury - PubMed
Placental Tissue Destruction & Insufficiency From COVID19 Causes Stillbirth, Neonatal Death From Hypoxic-Ischemic Injury: 3 findings constituting SARSCoV2 placentitis, all 68 placentas had⬆️fibrin deposition & villous trophoblast necrosis;
Placental Tissue Destruction and Insufficiency From COVID-19 Causes Stillbirth and Neonatal Death From Hypoxic-Ischemic Injury - PubMed
Post-COVID-19-associated morbidity in children, adolescents, and adults: A matched cohort study including more than 157,000 individuals with COVID-19 in Germany
Post-COVID-19-associated morbidity in children, adolescents, and adults: A matched cohort study including more than 157,000 individuals with COVID-19 in Germany
...we observed significant new onset morbidity in children, adolescents, and adults across 13 prespecified diagnosis/symptom complexes, following COVID-19 infection. These findings expand the existing available evidence on post-COVID-19 conditions..."
Post-COVID-19-associated morbidity in children, adolescents, and adults: A matched cohort study including more than 157,000 individuals with COVID-19 in Germany
Changes in Distribution of Severe Neurologic Involvement in US Pediatric Inpatients With COVID-19 or MIS-C
Changes in Distribution of Severe Neurologic Involvement in US Pediatric Inpatients With COVID-19 or MIS-C

Kids #COVID19: 22% had neurologic involvement. 9% had life-threatening conditions, with half having acute central nervous system (CNS) infections or demyelination; 43% died or had new neurologic deficits. #Notacold via @JAMANeuro part of @JAMANetwork

Changes in Distribution of Severe Neurologic Involvement in US Pediatric Inpatients With COVID-19 or MIS-C
Gregory Travis. Make schools #DavosSafe on Twitter
Gregory Travis. Make schools #DavosSafe on Twitter

Sunday quickstats:

In the twelve months from Sep 2020 to Sep 2021 an average of 1.4 children a day died of COVID

1,276 children have died of COVID in the last twelve months -- 3.5 a day

Last month an average of 3.2 children (0-17yo) a day died of COVID in the United States

Gregory Travis. Make schools #DavosSafe on Twitter
Gregory Travis. Make schools #DavosSafe on Twitter
Gregory Travis. Make schools #DavosSafe on Twitter

Thread Prior to COVID, brain cancer was the largest disease killer of children

Today, COVID is the largest disease killer of children

NB: Individual cancers are broken out, not aggregated together under a single "cancer" category

That is the right way to do this kind of comparison

Gregory Travis. Make schools #DavosSafe on Twitter
Safety in Numbers - on Twitter
Safety in Numbers - on Twitter

October 2022 One thing that IS totally clear about US kid COVID deaths, is they are getting worse every year.

2020 - 219 kids died 2021 - 798 died 2022 (Jan-Aug) - 705 died, on track for > 1100+ child COVID deaths

It isn't getting better. It isn't "mild". We're endangering our children.

Safety in Numbers - on Twitter
Bambino morto per Covid a Torino&#58; aveva 10 anni&#44; il virus l&#8217;ha portato via in meno di 48 ore
Bambino morto per Covid a Torino&#58; aveva 10 anni&#44; il virus l&#8217;ha portato via in meno di 48 ore
Lorenzo, or nicknamed Lollo, died from covid complications in January 2022 in Turin, Italy. He was 10. Covid triggered rhabdomyolysis: a severe, potentially fatal condition which causes muscle destruction and organ damage.
Bambino morto per Covid a Torino&#58; aveva 10 anni&#44; il virus l&#8217;ha portato via in meno di 48 ore
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) showing disseminated aspergillosis, cytomegalovirus reactivation and persistent SARS-COV-2: Case report with autopsy review
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) showing disseminated aspergillosis, cytomegalovirus reactivation and persistent SARS-COV-2: Case report with autopsy review
This is an autopsy of 5yo child who died of MIS-C 1 month after infection. SARS-CoV-2 was found in multiple organs by electron microscopy, PCR, or staining. They also found aspergillosis and reactivated CMV, both attributed to immunosuppressive treatment.
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) showing disseminated aspergillosis, cytomegalovirus reactivation and persistent SARS-COV-2: Case report with autopsy review
Risk of children orphaned from COVID-19 highest in poorest countries: In poorest countries, each COVID-19 death estimated to result in 1.56 orphans -- vs 0.09 orphans in high-GDP countries
Risk of children orphaned from COVID-19 highest in poorest countries: In poorest countries, each COVID-19 death estimated to result in 1.56 orphans -- vs 0.09 orphans in high-GDP countries
In poorest countries, each COVID-19 death estimated to result in 1.56 orphans"
Risk of children orphaned from COVID-19 highest in poorest countries: In poorest countries, each COVID-19 death estimated to result in 1.56 orphans -- vs 0.09 orphans in high-GDP countries
COVID Data Tracker
COVID Data Tracker

The CDC covid tracker was reporting 1,742 pediatric covid deaths a week ago and is now reporting 1,933 deaths today August 23, 2022

COVID Data Tracker
Gregory Travis. Make schools #DavosSafe on Twitter
Gregory Travis. Make schools #DavosSafe on Twitter

Thread Pediatric deaths from COVID are exploding, again

In the 0-17 age a staggering nine (9) children a day are now dying of COVID

If sustained: 3,000+ a year

Three (3) a day in the 0-4 age range. 1,000 a year if sustained



@BenjaminMateus7 @JHowardBrainMD

Gregory Travis. Make schools #DavosSafe on Twitter
Gregory Travis. Make schools #DavosSafe on Twitter
Gregory Travis. Make schools #DavosSafe on Twitter

Thread According to the CDC's review of death certificates 436 children aged from 0-4 years of age have had COVID listed as a contributor to their death

How does that compare to other diseases?

Gregory Travis. Make schools #DavosSafe on Twitter